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National work on CORSIA

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1 National work on CORSIA
Trafik-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen Center for Luftfart NALM 21-22 November 2017

2 Phased implementation
Pilot phase : Voluntary, states may determine their basis in a given year First phase : Voluntary, basis is average of Second phase : Mandatory Baseline 2019/2020 States with an individual share of international aviation activities in RTK in the year 2018 above 0.5 per cent of total RTKs or whose cumulative share in the list of States from the highest to the lowest amount of RTKs reaches 90 per cent of total RTKs, except Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) unless they volunteer to participate in this phase

3 Fuel burn and RTK RTK = Revenue Ton Kilometers: Distance X weight of cargo and passengers Must be reported from 2018 onwards Data on ICAO web site Reporting on ICAO Form A? Fuel burn must be reported from 2019 onwards Reporting on ICAO Form M

4 RTK data on ICAO Aper web-site
Two sets of data:

5 ICAO Form A

6 ICAO Form M

7 So? Participation in CORSIA based on RTK
RTK must be reported from 2018 CORSIA baseline for CNG is based on Monitoring of fuel consumption from 2019 necessary Monitoring system must be in place in 2018 Joint European monitoring system? Coordination with EU ETS monitoring? Nordic coordination?

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