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Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

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1 Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students
Department of Computer Science Institute for Applied Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students Leipzig, 11 February 2015

2 G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students
Overview Service Center for Students who are visually impaired Production of Tactile Graphics Tangram Project Tangram Workstation Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

3 G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students
Service Center AG SBS Founded in 1990 by Prof. Wünschmann at TU Dresden Support for students from many faculties including Computer Science, Mathematics Psychology, Sociology Produces electronic books from textbooks published by publishers (PDF, LaTeX), scripts, Powerpoint slides from lecturers, or papers in Proceedings with permission (Copyright). Book format is based on a subset of HTML (blind readers) or PDF (low vision readers) Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

4 Production of tactile graphics
Technology: swellpaper& tactile printer (TIGER embosser) Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

5 Survey in German speaking countries 2013
Technology Producers (n=20) Users (n=78) swellpaper 80 % 90 % Braille printer 55 % 72 % collage 20 % 62 % thermofoil 87 % 3D-model 63 % Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

6 Issues in Tactile Graphics Production
Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

7 Guidelines for tactile graphics
BANA Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics TAEVIS Tactile Diagram Manual (VISCH - Visualisierte Informationen in Schulbüchern zugänglich machen) suggests OpenOffice Draw Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

8 Guidelines for tactile graphics (1/2)
Layout criteria consistency preservation original contents simplicity recognizable reading sequence avoidance of perspective … General criteria for graphical elements distinctness/contrast no overlapping or any incompleteness minimal distances (> 3 mm) Auszug Kriterienkatalog TUD / Tangram 2013 Taktile Grafik

9 Guidelines for tactile graphics (2/2)
Criteria for labelling in Braille reduction of text unambiguous reference to graphical element reduce supporting lines appropriate legend … Criteria for tactile shapes, lines and textures minimal size of objects (length > 1.3 cm) arrows recognizable max different styles for lines and textures distinctness of textures simple tracing of lines Auszug Kriterienkatalog TUD / Tangram 2013 Taktile Grafik

10 G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students
Tangram Project Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

11 G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students
Quality assessment using W3C EARL standard Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

12 G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students
Textures Consistency for swell paper, Braille printout, and pin-matrix device Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

13 Tangram toolbar for OpenOffice
position size fill pattern / area symbol line style Create separating space between fill pattern and surrounding border line for better recognition of the outline start tactile picture evaluation dialog Open ‘title & description’ dialog start TANGRAM lector workstation Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

14 TANGRAM workstation on Hyperbraille
Access to OpenOfffice Draw Tactile user interface Editor for textual descriptions DAISY reader for DAISY diagrams Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

15 Tactile User Interface in Tangram
joint access to visual output multiple zoom levels panning tactile scrollbar input by mouse and keyboard Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

16 G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students
References Denise Prescher, Jens Bornschein, Gerhard Weber: Production of Accessible Tactile Graphics. ICCHP (2) 2014: Jens Voegler, Jens Bornschein, Gerhard Weber: Markdown - A Simple Syntax for Transcription of Accessible Study Materials. ICCHP (1) 2014: Jens Bornschein, Denise Prescher, Gerhard Weber: SVGPlott - Generating Adaptive and Accessible Audio-Tactile Function Graphs. ICCHP (1) 2014: Denise Prescher, Gerhard Weber, Martin Spindler: A tactile windowing system for blind users. ASSETS 2010: Martin Spindler, Michael Kraus, Gerhard Weber: A Graphical Tactile Screen-Explorer. ICCHP (2) 2010: Michael Kraus, Thorsten Völkel, Gerhard Weber: An Off-Screen Model for Tactile Graphical User Interfaces. ICCHP 2008: Symposium, G.Weber: Access to Tactile Information for Blind Students

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