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Conservative party of Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Conservative party of Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservative party of Canada.

2 Climate change. We believe there is issues with climate change but a lot of it is blown out of proportion by alarmist claims. The conservative government had made a plan to drop green house emissions by 30% by 2030.

3 Health care. We believe that Canada's healthcare systems work well how it is. Putting more money into healthcare would not be best for Canada's economy.

4 Poverty. We promise to bump up guaranteed income for seniors to $600 a year and for single individuals it will be brought up to $840 a year. To encourage employment, we will reduce Employment Insurance (EI) premiums for one year for small businesses that hire new employees. For employees, we commit to enhancing the work-sharing program that allows people to retain their jobs while receiving some income support from EI. We also agree to change student loan programs to make it easier on students to work and go to school.

5 News of our party.

6 Kevin O'Leary has been under fire since he announced his running for Prime Minister as the leader of the Conservative party. In this article they claim that he won't be able to lead his party well enough, which I believe is far from the truth. He is an intelligent business man who has a good understanding of economics, one of the conservative governments goals is to fix Canada's economy, and who else would be better to lead that then a man who makes his living off knowing the in's and out's of the economy.

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