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Genetics and Biotechnology

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1 Genetics and Biotechnology
13.2 DNA Technology Genetic Engineering-manipulating the DNA of one organism in order to insert DNA from another organism.

2 Genetics and Biotechnology

3 Applications of recombinant DNA
Bacteria: used to produce hormones and antibiotics Plants: made to be resistant to herbicides Animals: replacement of genes which cause disorders (gene therapy); cows could produce medicine in milk

4 Genetics and Biotechnology
Transgenic Organisms Biotechnology Organisms, genetically engineered by inserting a gene from another organism, are called transgenic organisms.

5 Dolly –1st clone

6 The ends of the DNA fragments, called sticky ends
Genetics and Biotechnology Restriction Enzymes EcoRI-Restriction enzyme specifically cuts DNA containing the sequence GAATTC. The ends of the DNA fragments, called sticky ends DNA fragments cut by restriction enzymes can pair up and join with any other DNA fragments cut by the same enzyme

7 The smaller fragments move farther faster than the larger ones.
Genetics and Biotechnology Gel Electrophoresis An electric current is used to separate DNA fragments according to the size of the fragments in a process called gel electrophoresis. When an electric current is applied, the negatively charged DNA fragments move toward the positive end of the gel. The smaller fragments move farther faster than the larger ones.

8 Genetics and Biotechnology

9 A technique aimed at correcting mutated genes that cause human
Genetics and Biotechnology A technique aimed at correcting mutated genes that cause human diseases is called gene therapy. Scientists insert a normal gene into a chromosome to replace a dysfunctional gene. Genomics is the study of an organism’s genome.

10 Genome total DNA in the nucleus of each cell.
Genetics and Biotechnology 13.2 DNA Technology DNA Tools Genome total DNA in the nucleus of each cell. Transgenic Tobacco Plant with Firefly gene

11 Genetics and Biotechnology
PCR Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) a technique for copying a piece of DNA a billion-fold. The process creates a chain of many nucleotides, and the chain is a strand of DNA. Used in genetic fingerprinting

12 Genetics and Biotechnology
13.2 DNA Technology

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