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Resisting Sin. Lesson 3-3.

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1 Resisting Sin. Lesson 3-3

2 Nobody’s looking.

3 Everybody’s doing it.

4 I want him to like me.

5 Boy, I need that.

6 Look to Jesus.

7 Theme The capacity to oppose sin is a major weapon in the Christian’s arsenal.

8 A. Jesus went into the wilderness, filled and led by the Holy Spirit.
I. 1st 40 Days of Temptation A. Jesus went into the wilderness, filled and led by the Holy Spirit. 1. “filled” - for a particular need 2. “led” - to a particular place at a particular time

9 A. I. 1st 40 Days of Temptation 2. “led” a. seclusion b. wild animals
c. fasting - weakened Him d. constant attack of Satan

10 II. The Final Attack

11 The 1st Temptation.

12 The 1st Temptation.

13 A. Turn stones to bread (Lk. 4:3-4)
II. The Final Attack A. Turn stones to bread (Lk. 4:3-4) 1. He was hungry. 2. He had the power. 3. Not the time to show His power, it was the time to show His dependence on His Father.

14 II. The Final Attack A. 4. Priorities - obeying God’s Word is more important than physical needs. I Deut. 8:3 “Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord.”

15 The 2nd Temptation.

16 The 2nd Temptation.

17 The 2nd Temptation.

18 The 2nd Temptation.

19 The 2nd Temptation.

20 The 2nd Temptation.

21 The 2nd Temptation.

22 B. Rule the World (Lk 4:5-8) II. The Final Attack
1. Satan tried to get Jesus to use the wrong means to get a good goal. a. it is God’s will for Jesus to rule the world

23 B. II. The Final Attack 2. Satan’s power
a. showed the kingdoms of the world in an instant of time b. transcends time & space c. he is not eternal d. he is not omnipresent

24 B. II. The Final Attack 3. What Satan offered was a lie.
a. the prince of this world b. he is not absolute sovereign 4. The sin would have been giving worth to Satan.

25 II. The Final Attack B. I Deut. 6:13; 10:20 “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

26 The 3rd Temptation.

27 The 3rd Temptation.

28 The 3rd Temptation.

29 The 3rd Temptation.

30 The 3rd Temptation.

31 The 3rd Temptation.

32 The 3rd Temptation.

33 The 3rd Temptation.

34 The 3rd Temptation.

35 C. Jump from Temple (Lk. 4:9-13)
II. The Final Attack C. Jump from Temple (Lk. 4:9-13) 1. Attempt to entice Jesus to manipulate God to draw attention to Himself. 2. Expecting God to perform a miracle when the motive is spiritual pride is unrealistic

36 II. The Final Attack C. I Deut. 6:16 “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”

37 2. Understand our temptations.
Why was Jesus tempted? 1. Example for us. 2. Understand our temptations. 3. Teach us to use God’s Word as our defense.

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