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Https:// to Hinduism

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1 to Hinduism

2 Hinduism and Buddhism Develop
SECTION 2 Hinduism and Buddhism Develop Hinduism • No one founder with a single set of ideas Origins and Beliefs • Each person has atman—soul united with all others in Brahman • In reincarnation, people reborn to new lives • A soul’s good and bad deeds, karma, determines course of new life Continued . . . NEXT

3 Hinduism Changes and Develops
SECTION 2 continued Hinduism Evolves Over Centuries Hinduism Changes and Develops • Today, Hindus choose own path to moksha—a state of perfect understanding Hinduism and Society • Hinduism strengthened the caste system (good or bad?) NEXT

4 The Buddha Seeks Enlightenment
SECTION 2 The Buddha Seeks Enlightenment Siddhartha’s Quest • Siddhartha Gautama wants to learn about world • Seeks enlightenment (wisdom), how to escape human suffering • Gains enlightenment by meditating • Becomes the Buddha, the “enlightened one” Continued . . . NEXT

5 SECTION 2 continued The Buddha Seeks Enlightenment Origins and Beliefs • Preaches Four Noble Truths—basic philosophy of Buddhism • Fourth Noble Truth is to follow the Eightfold path to achieve nirvana: the release from selfishness and pain • Buddha rejects caste system and multiple gods of Hinduism Continued . . . NEXT

6 Trade and the Spread of Buddhism
SECTION 2 continued The Buddha Seeks Enlightenment Trade and the Spread of Buddhism • Buddhism spreads by traders to various locations around Asia Overland Trade, East and West • Ancient trade routes called Silk Roads connect Asia and Europe. These routes carried silk, spices, and other goods people started to demand • Indians build trading posts to take advantage of the Silk Roads. Continued . . . NEXT

7 The Origins of Judaism Section 4
The Hebrews maintain monotheistic religious beliefs that were unique in the ancient world. NEXT

8 The Origins of Judaism Ancient Palestine From Ur to Egypt
SECTION 4 The Origins of Judaism Ancient Palestine • Palestine was region on eastern shores of Mediterranean • Hebrew people settled in Canaan, land promised to them by God From Ur to Egypt • Torah, first five books of Hebrew Bible, tells early history of Hebrews • In Torah, the jewish holy book God chose Abraham, a shepherd, to be father of Hebrew people Continued . . . NEXT

9 The God of Abraham • Hebrews are monotheists, believing in one God
SECTION 4 continued The Search for a Promised Land The God of Abraham • Hebrews are monotheists, believing in one God only—Yahweh • Yahweh is all powerful, not a physical being • A mutual promise, covenant, is made between God and Abraham/humanity NEXT

10 Moses and the Exodus Hebrews Migrate to Egypt “Let My People Go”
SECTION 4 Moses and the Exodus Hebrews Migrate to Egypt • At first Hebrews are honored in Egyptian kingdom; later become slaves “Let My People Go” • Hebrews flee Egypt between 1300 and 1200 B.C. • Bible tells of God’s command that Moses lead this “Exodus” A New Covenant • Moses receives Ten Commandments—become basis of Hebrew religious and civil law Continued . . . NEXT

11 The Kingdom of Israel Canaan Saul and David Establish a Kingdom
SECTION 4 The Kingdom of Israel Canaan • Land that Hebrews believe God promised them • Canaan land is harsh; Hebrews expand south and north Saul and David Establish a Kingdom • Hebrews threatened by Philistines to the north • Only one tribe remains, Judah; Hebrew religion called Judaism • From 1020 to 922 B.C. Hebrews (Jews) unite; new kingdom called Israel Continued . . . NEXT


13 The Rise of Christianity
SECTION 3 The Rise of Christianity Jesus of Nazareth • Jesus—a Jew born in Bethlehem (around 6 to 4 B.C.), raised in Nazareth • At age 30 begins preaching monotheism, Ten Commandments • Does good works, reportedly performs miracles Continued . . . NEXT

14 A World Religion Christianity’s Expansion
SECTION 3 A World Religion Christianity’s Expansion • Christianity becomes powerful force; reasons for widespread appeal: • embraces all people • gives hope to the powerless • offers personal relationship with a loving God • promises eternal life after death Continued . . . NEXT

15 Similarities you did NOT know…
SECTION 3 Similarities you did NOT know… All 3 monotheistic religions also share a common history in regards to the following stories. Story of Adam and Eve (first human’s god created) 10 commandments Continued . . . NEXT

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