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Wireless power transmission

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1 Wireless power transmission

2 What is WPT? The transmission of energy from one place to another without using wires Conventional energy transfer is using wires But, the wireless transmission is made possible by using various technologies 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

3 Why WPT? Reliable Efficient Fast Low maintenance cost
Can be used for short-range or long-range. Wireless Power Transmission 2/22/2019

4 INTRODUCTION Scientists have known for nearly two centuries that it is possible to transfer an electrical current from one coil of wire to another without them touching. Electromagnetic induction is used in power transformers and electric motors around the world, the breakthrough came when dr soljacic realised there was another way of transferring energy through the air. When he done an experiment by filling a room with a 'non-radiative' electromagnetic field, Most objects such as people, desks and carpets is unaffected by the electromagnetic field. But any objects designed to resonate with the electromagnetic field would absorb the energy.

5 HISTORY As wireless technologies were being developed during the early 1900s, researchers further investigated these different wireless transmission methods. The goal was simply to generate an effect locally and detect it at a distance. William C. Brown demonstrated in 1964 on the CBS Walter Cronkite news a microwave-powered model helicopter that received all the power needed for flight from a microwave beam. Between 1969 and 1975 Bill Brown was technical director of a JPL Raytheon program that beamed 30 kW over a distance of 1 mile at 84% efficiency.

6 Types and Technologies of WPT
Near-field energy transfer Far-field energy transfer 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

7 Resonance and Wireless Power
Household devices like chargers produce small magnetic fields. A larger, stronger field could induce current from distance but the process is inefficient,since magnetic field spreads in all directions. The team, led by Marin Soljacic, theorized that they could extend the distance between the coils by adding resonance to the equation. We can understand resonance in terms of sound.The frequency at which the objects like trumpet naturally vibrates is its resonant frequency.

8 It's easy to get objects to vibrate at their resonant frequency and difficult to get them to vibrate at other frequencies. For example trumpet. Induction can take place differently if the electromagnetic fields around the coils resonate at same frequency. Capacitance plate holds charge and attaches to each end of the coil. As electricity travels through this coil it begins to resonate. Its resonant frequency is a product of the inductance of the coil and the capacitance of the plates.

9 The system relies on two coils
The system relies on two coils. Electricity, traveling along an electromagnetic wave tunnels from one coil to the other as long as they both have the same resonant frequency. According to researchers, one coil can send electricity to several receiving coils, as long as they all resonate at the same frequency, so they named this as Non Radiative Energy Transfer. The MIT team's work suggests that this kind of setup could power or recharge all the devices in one room and modifications are necessary to send power over long distances.

10 An example 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

11 Advantages of near-field techniques
No wires No e-waste Need for battery is eliminated Efficient energy transfer using RIC Harmless, if field strengths under safety levels Maintenance cost is less 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

12 Disadvantages Distance constraint
Field strengths have to be under safety levels Initial cost is high In RIC, tuning is difficult High frequency signals must be the supply 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

13 Far-field energy transfer
Radiative Needs line-of-sight LASER or microwave Aims at high power transfer 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

14 Long-distance Wireless Power
Induction generally sends power for short distances , some plans for wireless power involve moving electricity over a span of miles. Few proposals involve sending power to the Earth from space. Unmanned plane, Stationary High Altitude Relay Platform (SHARP), was designed as a communications relay. It fly’s in circles two kilometers in diameter at an altitude of about 13 miles , it can fly for months at a time this is because of a ground-based microwave transmitter and a disc-shaped rectifying antenna(rectenna).

15 Rectenna Stands for rectifying antenna
Consists of mesh of dipoles and diodes Converts microwave to its DC equivalent Usually multi-element phased array 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

16 Rectenna in US Rectenna in US receives 5000MW of power from SPS
It is about one and a half mile long 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

17 Rectenna are central to many wireless power transmission theories, made an array of dipole antennae, which have positive and negative poles. Microwaves produce tens of thousands of receivers on Earth would capture this energy, and rectennae would convert it to electricity. Microwaves pass through the atmosphere easily, and rectennae rectify microwaves into electricity very efficiently. Such a setup could provide a clean source of power.

18 Advantages of far-field energy transfer
Efficient Easy Need for grids, substations etc are eliminated Low maintenance cost More effective when the transmitting and receiving points are along a line-of-sight Can reach the places which are remote 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

19 Disadvantages of far-field energy trasnfer
Radiative Needs line-of-sight Initial cost is high When LASERs are used, conversion is inefficient Absorption loss is high When microwaves are used, interference may arise FRIED BIRD effect 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

20 Applications Near-field energy transfer Far-field energy transfer
Electric automobile charging Static and moving Consumer electronics Industrial purposes Harsh environment Far-field energy transfer Solar Power Satellites Energy to remote areas Can broadcast energy globally (in future) 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission

21 Conclusion Transmission without wires- a reality Efficient
Low maintenance cost. But, high initial cost Better than conventional wired transfer Energy crisis can be decreased Low loss In near future, world will be completely wireless 2/22/2019 Wireless Power Transmission



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