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Inflammation and Nutrition

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1 Inflammation and Nutrition
Prof Dr Onur KARABACAK Gazi University SOM 2017


3 The Journal of Nutrition
Recent Advances in Nutritional Sciences Intestinal Nitrogen Recycling and Utilization in Health and Disease1,2 Werner G. Bergen3 * and Guoyao Wu4


5 Nutrition balances Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids
Let nutrition be your medicine other wise your have your medicine as your nutrition Let science be your medicine Nutrition balances Omega 6 and 3 fatty acids Anti PrsGlnd Ponstan Naproxen Fish oil Omega3 supp Omega 6 Arachidonic acid Prostoglandines Omega 3 EPA Eikosapentaenoik asit DHA Dokosaheksaenoik asit ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) Boost effect of Anti Inflam Med Cure is Commercial Medicine Drugs are your prompt Choice No need to cure is Preventive Medicine Nutrition is your prolonged well being L wing R Wing

6 Nutrition balances Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
Let nutrition is your medicine other wise your medicine will be your nutrition Let science be your medicine Nutrition balances Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids Anti PrsGlnd Ponstan Naproxen Fish oil Omega3 supp Omega 6 Arachidonic acid Prostoglandines Antiprog Nutritious Omega3 rich Continous Diet Flaxseeds Wall nuts Fish Orgnc No Hg Omega 3 Hameopatic Herbal Complimentary Integrative New medicine R Wing L wing No need to cure is Preventive Medicine Nutrition is your continuous well being Cure is Commercial Medicine Drugs are your prompt Choice

7 Nutrition balances Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
Let nutrition is your medicine other wise your medicine will be your nutrition Let science be your medicine Nutrition balances Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids Anti PrsGlnd Ponstan Naproxen Fish oil Omega3 supp Omega 6 Arachidonic acid Prostoglandines Antiprog Omega 3 Reverses all action of the left Pro inflammation Pro coagulation Pro cellu proliferation IGF 1 and Hameopatic Herbal Complimentary Integrative FunctionalNew medicine R Wing L wing No need to cure is Preventive Medicine Nutrition is your continuous well being Cure is Commercial Medicine Drugs are your prompt Choice

8 Fish oil Lower Triglyceride
Benfit Depression through effect on Microbiom Baby development Neur Visual Rheumatoid Arthritis

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