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Older Adult Ministries

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1 Older Adult Ministries
The State of the Rural Communities Conference February 23, 2007 Older Adult Ministries

2 Older adults are a critical part of every church
Each person is unique with a unique history The future is tied closely to the past Every senior has a family Churches are often family to their members Culture, race, ethnicity and age all flavor congregations

3 Elements of Aging in a Rural Community
Normal Aging Flexibility Aging in Place Extended family Formal vs. informal systems

4 Normal Aging Those aspects of aging that happen to everyone regardless of life style, race or gender Gray hair Wrinkles Multiple losses

5 It is critical to NOT fall into the myths of aging
Myths about any population are generally problematic Key myths about seniors All seniors are senile A majority of seniors feel miserable all the time Older adults are greedy and selfish Most seniors live in nursing homes.

6 Myths make people feel bad
People do adapt negative stereotypes Can influence the way sub groups are treated in the church In the extreme, can even lead to suicide in some populations

7 The amazing thing The amazing thing about normal aging, is that somehow, people just seem to keep on keeping on!

8 Flexibility

9 Myth: All Older Adults are Ridged
Time can create patterns for people Sometimes patterned behaviors can loose their original function To younger people who feel that new is always better, older people can seem out of touch!

10 Ways to think about it Anyone can become ridged
Examine function vs. novelty If it ain’t broke…why fix it? If it is a dysfunctional pattern then it is a problem Social life style vs. personality pathology

11 The joys of an extended family

12 Everyone has a family For the estranged it is a family out of touch
For the single it is a wider gathering of the clan For parents it is about their children, where ever they are Families don’t tend to abandon their children

13 The church as an extended family
Church may be physically closer than kin Church may be less stressful than kin The church is not a social service, it is just one big family!

14 Formal Vs. Informal Services

15 Informal helping Family and Friends Neighbors Natural Helpers
Role Related Helpers People with similar problems Volunteers Froland, C., Pancoast, D. L., Chapman, N., & Kimboko, P. J. (1981). Helping networks and human services. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. 32.

16 The church Clergy are generally considered to be Role Related Helpers
Churches are considered to be “gap filling agencies” Ellor, J. W., & Coates, R. B. (1985). Examining the role of the church and aging. Journal of Religion and Aging, 2(1).

17 Let’s Talk

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