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AS Literature Studying Drama

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1 AS Literature Studying Drama
LO: to explore the requirements of the examination and identify useful critical terminology

2 Audience reaction What do we mean by audience reaction?
What is a dramatists intention when writing a play?

3 Examiners’ report “One disappointment of this unit was the significant number of candidates who failed to address the text as a play. Candidates who never refer to staging, lighting, stage directions etc. are unlikely to score very highly at AO2 and could weaken AO1 Because of the absence of critical terminology. They were also unable to argue convincingly about audience reaction.”

4 Task In pairs, look at the extract you have been given.
Try out two or three of the approaches, then decide which are the most fruitful i.e. which revealed fresh things about the text, drew out a range of different interpretations, or made the text leap off the page for you.

5 Analysing a speech Use the check list you have been given to analyse linguistic features of the extract.

6 Critical terminology You have been given a booklet of dramatic critical terminology. Highlight any terms that you are familiar with. Continue to highlight terms that are relevant to the play your will be studying. Try to learn as many as you can. Make flash cards to test yourself. You will have a test on these terms after half term.

7 Homework

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