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Sprains & Strains of the Wrist & Hand & Wrist

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1 Sprains & Strains of the Wrist & Hand & Wrist
Injuries, Part 1 Sprains & Strains of the Wrist & Hand & Wrist 2/22/2019

2 “Before & After” BELLWORK
On a piece of notebook paper, draw two columns. Label the first column ‘before’ and the second column ‘after.’ Then answer the following questions under the ‘before’ column. Put the paper aside until the end of class. 1. How does a wrist strain happen? 2. How does a wrist sprain happen? 3. What are the signs of a wrist strain? 4. What are the signs of a wrist sprain? 2/22/2019

3 Objective Differentiate between common injuries of the hand & wrist, and their mechanisms, signs & symptoms, and treatments. Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/22/2019

4 The partners switch roles and repeat the process.
INTERVIEW Each student will find a partner. One person assumes the role of the interviewer and one is the interviewee. The interviewer asks the assigned questions and writes the answers down. The partners switch roles and repeat the process. When time is called, groups should be prepared to share the results of their interviews with the class. 2/22/2019

5 Interview Questions Think of a wrist or hand injury that either you or someone you know sustained. What was the injury? 2. What was the injury mechanism? What were the signs & symptoms? 4. What treatment was given? 2/22/2019

6 Wrist Strain Mechanism: Signs & Symptoms: Treatment:
Wrist hyperflexion/hyperextension Repetitive stress Signs & Symptoms: Pain over area Swelling Limited/painful ROM Decreased grip strength Treatment: RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) Rehabilitation to restore normal ROM and strength Tape for return to activity Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/22/2019

7 Wrist Sprain Mechanism: Signs & Symptoms: Treatment:
Falling on hyperextended wrist Forceful twisting motion Signs & Symptoms: Pain Decreased ROM Decreased strength Swelling Treatment: RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) Rehabilitation to restore ROM & strength Tape for return to activity

8 Thumb Sprain Also called gamekeeper’s thumb or skiier’s thumb
Injury to the medial collateral ligament of the thumb Mechanism: Forced abduction Signs & Symptoms: Pain over 1st MCP joint Swelling Loss of ROM, grip strength Treatment: Ice Splint the medial part of the thumb X-ray to rule out avulsion fracture Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/22/2019

9 Finger Sprain Also called a ‘jammed’ finger
Injury to the collateral ligament of an IP joint Mechanism: Axial force/impact to tip of finger Signs & symptoms: Pain Swelling Discoloration Decreased ROM Treatment: Ice Splint / buddy tape to protect Buddy tape Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/22/2019

10 “What’s My Injury?” With a partner, choose an injury from today’s lesson Create a scenario for that injury including the mechanism, signs & symptoms, and treatment for the injury Be prepared to share your injury with the class Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/22/2019

11 “Before & After” CLOSURE
On your bellwork sheet, answer the following questions in the ‘After’ column. This will assess your new learning for the day! 1. How does a wrist strain happen? 2. How does a wrist sprain happen? 3. What are the signs of a wrist strain? 4. What are the signs of a wrist sprain? 2/22/2019

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