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Student Pathways Survey 2009 Principals
A joint initiative between: Vocational Education in Schools Directorate Information Technology Directorate Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate Creating Future Pathways Student Survey will be referred to as the Student Pathways Survey The Student Pathways Survey was developed by the Vocational Education in Schools Directorate (VEiS) in consultation with Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate and Information Technology Directorate. School personnel can access the Survey on the VEiS internet under >School to Work >Students. Student Pathways Survey: is an on-line tool that provides three separate functions: Function 1: Student response and feedback Function 2: School administration Function 3: School Report To complement the Student Pathways Survey the Vocational Education in Schools has developed the Student Pathways Survey Handbook: Supporting student engagement in career and transition planning. The Handbook supports schools with access to and implementation of the full suite of resources provided by the Student Pathways Survey. The Handbook has been designed to go further and support schools to deepen the use of the survey by providing follow up student learning activities. The Handbook has gathered evidence from the 2007 and 2008 Annual School to Work Reports and reported on how schools are utilising the Survey and its resulting School Report. Most importantly the full suite of resources provided by the Student Pathways Survey will be increasingly valuable to schools as they reflect and plan to identify ways to support students as a result of the new legislation which has Raised the School Leaving Age.
Student Portal Access Student Access is on the Home Page of the DET Student Portal. The Student Portal Home Page includes the area “Other sites”. The Students Pathways Survey is the first web-link “Creating Future Pathways: Student Survey”. Note also that students can access Logbook Online and myfuture from this same area. Data in the State Regional Administration area indicates that students are undertaking the Survey without the direction or support of schools. This is heartening as students are showing an independent interest in their career development. It is also concerning as students should be supported in these initial explorations through the career services and programs provided by the school. Over the last three years approximately 12,000 students are accessing the Student Pathways Survey annually.
Staff Administration Staff enter their DET Staff Portal, go to My Applications then……….. School teaching staff can access the Student Pathways Survey: School Administration area from the DET Staff Portal. NB: The Privacy Notice on the Student Pathways Survey states that individual student information can only be accessed by staff members in their school.
Staff Administration In My Applications scroll down and click onto Student Pathways Survey: School Administration or School Report Teachers are identified when they enter their DET User ID and password to access the staff portal. Their identification includes their name and school location. When a teacher enters the Student Pathways Survey: School Administration or Student Pathways Survey: School Report they will see only the students in their school. Teachers viewing the student’s data are also captured in a database to ensure that there is evidence and assurance of who is viewing student information in each school. This supports the Privacy Notice provided at the beginning of the Student Pathways Survey.
School Administration
This is an example of the information that can be accessed in the Student Pathways Survey: School Administration area. Each student’s survey can be accessed, providing rich personal data to begin a personal career conversation. The feedback report provides the launching pad for students to begin their career and transition planning. Students could be encouraged to share their Feedback Report with their parents. Data access for schools includes: a list of students who have completed the survey students current year at school students survey response (the last response in a calendar year) students feedback report last date student’s completed the survey A record of each teacher’s access to the website A student’s most recent response to the Survey is captured in the Student Pathways Survey: School Administration area. This data is archived on the 31st December each year and can be recalled through the administration area.
School Report The school report: Aggregates data provided by students
Q2,3,5,10,11,15,16& 18 Factor areas identified earlier Is on-line and interactive Enables the selection of a variety of reports Total year groups Gender ATSI Disability LBOTE Custom group Selection of reports will be by calendar year Principals and school teaching staff are able to access an on-line, just-in-time live school report that aggregates students responses to identified questions as well as the four factor areas. The four factor areas are identified as: * Planning and preparing * Career challenges * Career Influences * Career information & services The questions chosen were those that would provided schools with useful data for whole school planning. These questions were chosen in consultation with Educational Measurement and School Accountability Directorate staff. The report is live, online and interactive. It enables Principals and school teaching staff to call up reports for discrete groups of students. Principals and school teaching staff will also be able to customise a group of students to identify if they have unique characteristics or to compare data pre and post an activity or program. The custom group is identified from the school administration area after the identified custom group has undertaken the Survey.
School Report This is the entry page to the Student Pathways Survey: School Report. Please note that each year the data is archived and a new set of data is collected in the current calendar year. Report types are drawn from student data. It is important to note that students self-identify their status eg. ATSI etc. This data is not drawn from an existing database. A custom group of students that do not comply with the groups identified in the “report type” can be identified. School Management Planning The Student Pathways Survey: School Report aggregates some of the questions students have responded to in the Survey, identified as useful for whole school planning for the delivery of the School to Work Program. This tool provides schools with access to their student voice. It is not intended that this data is used for accountability nor does it measure school effectiveness, however there is rich information that can support and guide school planning.
Once the report group is identified and the report is generated a profile of students in this group who have participated in the survey is provided. Please note that apart from Gender and Year all the other categories are self-identified by the students. eg. A student who self identifies as ATSI may not be identified formally in the school as an ATSI student but certainly this is the way they perceive themselves. A report will not be generated unless there are more than 5 students in any one particular group. Aggregated responses generate a report for each identified question that require a direct response from students. Each question students respond to have been given a title as identified in this screen under “Direct Response to Questions”. Aggregated responses generate a report for each of the four career factor areas that students have responded to. The four career factor areas are: * Planning and preparing * Career challenges * Career Influences * Career information & services
Data representing questions provided by students through a direct response.
Please note here that each school’s data is paralleled with state data, enabling the school to analyse a trend comparison. Local knowledge and other data collected should be used in conjunction with this data when schools begin their analysis and develop their responses and projected planning to support their School to Work Program. This data should not be used in isolation from local knowledge and other data the school collects. NB: State averages may change over time as each time a student completes the survey their response is added to the data which is automatically aggregated into the existing data.
Planning and preparing for your future career is one of the four career factor areas.
Each of the four factor areas provide an explanation of the concept or key messages in the questions that students have responded to that has generated this data. This explanation is provided before the tables and graphs. Underneath the data are a range of suggested strategies that schools could consider to improve students confidence levels in this factor. However additional creative ideas and local opportunities for action are encouraged. Eg: This school compares well with the state average in this factor area. However, it has the capacity to move more students from “Fairly Confident “ to “Confident”. In this case students could be provided with more activities in their school that would raise their confidence in their ability to plan for their career future by considering the ideas provided below the data in the report and/or identifying other opportunities offered in their community and implementing these. As 10 students lack confidence in this area it would be a worthy exercise to revisit students individual responses and identify these students for extra, intense support in this area.
Usefulness provides a medium for student voice
has the capacity to be utilised for student’s personalised career and transition plans provides evidence-based data enables informed school planning that can support students career development supports Principals in Annual School Reporting (ASR) Provides evidence of students intention to stay at school – engagement and retention Supports schools to meet outcomes identified in Our Year Olds Education and Training Strategy and Office of Schools Plan The Student Pathways Survey: School Report captures your students voice in the form of data that can be analysed to inform school strategic planning to better support young people’s career development while attending school.
Creating Future Pathways: Student Survey
Thank you ! Questions ?
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