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Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

2 Miss Rowsell’s History Quiz - How much do you know??!!
50:50 15 £1 Million 14 £500000 13 £250000 Miss Rowsell’s History Quiz - How much do you know??!! 12 £125000 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 1 £100

3 The development of elite sport in the USA is mainly focussed on…?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 13 £250000 12 £125000 The development of elite sport in the USA is mainly focussed on…? 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: School and College B: Little League activities C: College and University D: The Draft

4 The development of elite sport in Europe is mainly focussed on…?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 13 £250000 12 £125000 The development of elite sport in Europe is mainly focussed on…? 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Clubs B: Competitions C: Education D: University

5 When do players enter the draft?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 13 £250000 12 £125000 When do players enter the draft? 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: After college B: After University C: After school D: Through clubs

6 What % of high school players progress to the draft stage?
15 £1 Million What % of high school players progress to the draft stage? 14 £500000 13 £250000 12 £125000 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: 4 B: 10 C: 8 D: 13

7 Which two sports are the main focus for high school sports?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 Which two sports are the main focus for high school sports? 13 £250000 12 £125000 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Basketball B: Baseball C: Football D: Athletics

8 When were the first official Olympic Games held?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 When were the first official Olympic Games held? 13 £250000 12 £125000 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: 1898 B: 1896 C: 1904 D: 1902

9 How many competitors took part in the first games?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 How many competitors took part in the first games? 13 £250000 12 £125000 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: 250 B: 175 C: 255 D: 195

10 Who won the first Olympic Games?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 Who won the first Olympic Games? 13 £250000 12 £125000 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: UK B: Greece C: France D: USA

11 When was the Clarenden Report published?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 When was the Clarenden Report published? 13 £250000 12 £125000 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: 1864 B: 1856 C: 1849 D: 1851

12 Which is not a Clarenden School?
15 £1 Million 14 £500000 13 £250000 12 £125000 11 £64000 10 £32000 9 £16000 8 £8000 7 £4000 6 £2000 5 £1000 4 £500 3 £300 2 £200 50:50 1 £100 A: Charerhouse B: Eton C: Harrow D: Christchurch

13 Congratulations Millionaire!

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