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Dare to be Challenged Portfolio

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Presentation on theme: "Dare to be Challenged Portfolio"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dare to be Challenged Portfolio
Insert your Name Throughout this portfolio, anything written in green like this text, you should delete as you finish each page. The green text is there to guide you, so you know what you have to write. Follow the instructions in green. Make sure you only delete it once each slide is finished or you might forget the instructions. You can also delete any images that have a green border and replace them with your own version. Anything written in white, keep as these will be your titles. Any images without green borders keep.

2 Skill 2 - I understand the qualities of fixed and growth mindsets.
Stage 1 – I have learnt a new skill independently over the summer and presented my learning Achieved Skill 1 – I have chosen an appropriate skill for my summer challenge, that is new and has the correct level of challenge. Skill 2 – I have practiced that skill with a parent or guardian for a sustained length of time over the summer. Skill 3 – I have documented my learning journey through use of the pit analogy and recognised the stages of the learning process. Skill 4 – I have presented or discussed my learning journey to/ with others. Stage 2 – I understand the difference between growth and fixed mindsets and when I show qualities of each. Skill 1 – I understand that intelligence is not fixed it can be developed with practice. Skill 2 - I understand the qualities of fixed and growth mindsets. Skill 3 – I can identify when fixed or growth mindsets are being used and develop strategies for changing fixed mindsets in the future. Skill 4 – I have changed a fixed mindset to a growth mindset through practice and perseverance. Stage 3 – I understand Sydenham's High Performance Learning Targets and can identify when I show qualities of each. Skill 1 – I can explain what each of Sydenham HPL Targets mean. Skill 2 – I can identify points when learning is supporting the development Sydenham HPL target in different subjects. Skill 3 – I can identify which of Sydenham HPL targets I need to develop and which subjects I find these the hardest in. Stage 4 – I have taken part in a Dare to be Challenged day and have analysed the learning of a new skill. Skill 1 – I have demonstrated growth mindsets and resilience through the process of learning a new skill. Skill 2 – I have used the Sydenham HPL Targets and the Learning Pit to help me see and analyse my learning process. Skill 3 – I have set myself HPL goals based on my learning analysis that I am going to try and apply to all my lessons and my practice project. Skill 4 - I am engaging in a long term practice challenge that I am going to work on consistently until the next challenge day. Stage 5 – I have worked independently towards my challenge goal and have documented my learning journey through my portfolio Achieved Skill 1 – I have taken the skill I learnt on Challenge day 1 and have practiced this skill in order to master it. Skill 2 – I have used my mastered skill to work towards a longer term goal. Skill 3 – I have used Dare to be challenged Fridays to develop my own digital or paper portfolio. Skill 4 – I have worked with year HPA Ambassadors to improve my portfolio and discuss my learning journey. Skill 5 – I have collaborated with a parent or guardian on my practice project and documented this collaboration. Stage 7 – I have completed a high quality portfolio and have presented this to other students and teachers Skill 1 – I have created a high quality portfolio with well written information, as well as videos and photos to support my statements. Skill 2 – I presented my work to 15 other students and staff and gave a clear and exciting view of my learning journey. Skill 3 – I built into my portfolio exciting research and extended activities to show how far learning can be stretched. Skill 4 – I showed an understand of how I learn through my portfolio.

3 Insert Picture into this space of you practicing your summer skill
My Summer Challenge My summer challenge was: My overall goal for this challenge was: I worked together with to complete my challenge. They helped by I practiced my challenge skill

4 Insert different Picture into this space of you practicing your summer skill, ideally with your parent/ guardian. Think carefully about your skill challenge and break it down into he following four stages. For each one explain what you were able to do at that point Use the juggling example to help you. Choosing My Challenge – e.g. – I have tried to juggle in the past but have never been able to. My dad can juggle three balls so he said he would help me to learn. Starting My Challenge – e.g. I set my self the goal of juggling three balls by the end of the 10 weeks. I decided I would practice at least 4 times a week for 10 minuets. 3 Weeks into my challenge - e.g. – I very quickly learnt to juggle 2 balls and once I had been shown the technique I made quick progress with three. I can now do it 12 times before I drop a ball, I want to get even better 8 Weeks into the Challenge – e.g. – I found that started to miss practices and that keeping up the practice was getting hard. I spoke to my dad and he said that maybe I should try to do it with different objects to keep my interest so this helped me to continue my practice. I can now juggle for about 30 – 40 throws regularly. 10 weeks into the challenge – I have shown my new juggling skills to my friends and family and this has helped me to feel really proud of my new skill, I want to keep up practice so that I can continue to do it.

5 Extra slide for more photos if you wish.
If you do not need this just delete.

6 Analysing my learning Mindsets
Learning Stage Analysing my learning Mindsets Growth Fixed Personal Targets Initial Desire Evaluating the situation Dealing with setbacks Attitude to Challenge Attitude to Effort Attitude to Criticism Success of others Predicted result

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