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Become Rosary Rally Captain

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1 Become Rosary Rally Captain
Public Rosary Crusade 2018 Become Rosary Rally Captain

2 South Africa Needs Our Lady

3 What is the Public Rosary Crusade?
Each year, South Africa Needs Our Lady holds the Public Square Rosary Crusade, with hundreds of rosary rallies in cities and towns all across the country. In 2016, there were 450 rallies and in 2017, there were 1000 groups simultaneously praying for our country and the world all across South Africa! These Public Square Rosary Rallies take place on the closest Saturday to October 13, Feast of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun. Besides the October Rosaries, many Rosary Rally Captains hold monthly Rosaries as well.

4 How do I sign Up? 087 230 9884 087 151 4833 Call Us to Sign Up
Send Us an On Our Website

5 What we send you (free) A large Banner and a Manual with Guidelines

6 Points to Remember There should ideally be one Captain and one Banner per Rally. So if you have a fellow Captain who wants to join you, rather stand on opposite corners of the intersection or street. This is very important! You will still be close enough for moral support, but it will count as two separate Rallies. Many smaller rallies in one area have a much greater impact than one or two large groups. And as the goal is for 1500 Rosary Rallies in South Africa this year, we need your help! Your Rally should be as public as possible. So an intersection, on the sidewalk, or at a shopping centre, are all good examples of where one can pray. We usually ask that you don’t pray at your local church as most people expect Catholics to be at their churches, and we want to do the unexpected. This may sound intimidating, but let us call to mind for Whom we are doing this. Much evil is done in public and we need to take the Rosary and Our Lady into the public square too.

7 Public Rosary Rallies

8 10 Reasons for the Public Rosary Crusade
1. The Miracle of the Sun was public 2. Reach fallen-away Catholics  3. Public prayer gets results  4. Be a Fatima apostle  5. Public sins require public reparation 6. Will the media promote Fatima? Never! It’s up to us to promote devotion to Mary “outside the choir.” 7. Public Rosaries in history saved countries 8. Duty to honour God publicly  9. Preparing for Our Lady’s triumph  10. Public prayer is powerful 

9 Rosary Rally Map 2018

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