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Internal Assessment (IA)

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1 Internal Assessment (IA)

2 Paper 2 (Short answers and essays) 50%
Paper 1 (Case Study) 25% 1 hr (40 marks) Paper 2 (Short answers and essays) 50% 2 hrs (65 marks) IA- 25% of Final

3 IA The report should be 1,500 to 2,250 words long. Students should be made aware that external moderators will not read beyond 2,250 words and teachers should only mark up to this limit. The internal assessment investigation consists of: • identifying an ESS issue and focusing on one of its specific aspects • developing methodologies to generate data that are analyzed to produce knowledge and understanding of this focused aspect • applying the outcomes of the focused investigation to provide understanding or solutions in the broader ESS context.

4 Methodologies Values and attitude surveys or questionnaires Interviews
Observational fieldwork (natural experiments) Ecosystem modelling Laboratory work Models of sustainability Secondary demographic, development and environmental data Collection of both qualitative and quantitative data

5 Analytical techniques
Estimations of NPP/GPP or NSP/GSP Application of descriptive statistics (measures of spread and average) Application of inferential statistics (testing of null hypotheses) Other complex calculations Cartographic analysis Use of spreadsheets or databases Detailed calculations of footprints (including ecological, carbon, water footprints)

6 Breakdown For internal assessment, the following assessment criteria will be used. Identifying the context (20%) Planning (20%) Results, analysis and conclusion (20%) Discussion and evaluation (20%) Applications (10%) Communication (10%)

7 Achievement Levels (pgs. 90-95)

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