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How to take useful notes in class

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1 How to take useful notes in class
NOTE TAKING SKILLS How to take useful notes in class

Forces you to listen carefully and tests your understanding of the material Helps you to review important concepts Personal notes are usually easier to remember than something the teacher prepares Writing down important points helps you to remember even before you study the material

3 Instructor clues as to what is important
COMMON CLUES Material written on the board/powerpoint Repetition Emphasis Word Signals Summaries at the end of class Review at the start of class

4 Developing your own method of taking notes
Helpful Suggestions: Make your notes brief Use your own words except formulas, definitions and specific facts Use some sort of outline form If you miss information write key words, skip some spaces and come back to it later Date your notes and number the pages

5 How to make your notes meaningful
Don’t write down everything you hear Use key words and short sentences Be accurate Think before you write Use a format and abbreviations that make sense to you Leave out descriptions and full explanations, keep notes short and to the point Keep notes in order and in one place Shortly after taking notes go back and add extra points and spell out unclear items Review your notes regularly

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