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Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Dr. Jennifer Dooley and Dr. Nancy McCormick Middle Tennessee State University.

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Presentation on theme: "Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Dr. Jennifer Dooley and Dr. Nancy McCormick Middle Tennessee State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Dr. Jennifer Dooley and Dr. Nancy McCormick Middle Tennessee State University

2 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems DSP Online Course Selection Elementary Algebra Intermediate Algebra Geometry Learning Strategies Courses in RODP

3 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Delivery of Online Courses POD Required for Enrollment –Student submits online survey –Must be first attempt in course –When possible, get input from previous instructor –Use instructors discretion

4 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Delivery of Online Courses Building Community –Orientation w/pre-testing –Email for communication between instructor and student(s) –Discussions for communication between students

5 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Delivery of Online Courses Assessments –Posts to discussion board (10%) –Online quizzes (10%) –Tests (online and proctored) (40%) –Homework (20%) –Departmental Final (20%)

6 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Online Courses Advantages –Good format for independent learners –Students can finish early –Good format for many non-traditional students –Content for different learning styles Disadvantages –No face-to-face instruction –Can loose connection w/ students quickly –Cant see whether students understand –No easy/quick adjustments to course content

7 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Hybrid Courses In process of formulating plans for hybrid courses of elementary and intermediate algebra (a TR class at 4:30) Hybrid model might be ½ time in traditional classroom and ½ time online Decide what content and/or activities are better accomplished online or in a classroom

8 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Hybrid Courses Advantages –Students only have to be on campus ½ (or less) time, but have the face-to-face interaction –Allows one classroom space at one classroom time to generate 6 credit hours –Students could pair one hybrid course with another hybrid course to get credit for 2 courses in same amount of time –Course rubric could just have an H to indicate a hybrid course

9 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems DSP Accelerated Courses DSPW 0800 / ENGL 1010 DSPM 0800E

10 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems DSPW 0800 / ENGL 1010 Enrollment Criteria –Quality of placement essay (3+) AND –ACT score (17 or 18) OR –2.5 HS GPA or 500 GED OR –2.5 GPA for transfers

11 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems DSPW 0800 / ENGL 1010 Begin in DSPW 0800 Decision made about mid-term who will move to ENGL 1010 roll Students moved to ENGL 1010 (permanently exempted from DSPW) Students not moved will complete DSPW 0800 as usual

12 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems DSPM 0800E Can complete Elementary and Intermediate in one semester Students self select Two five-day per week sections taught simultaneously

13 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems DSPM 0800E 0800 final exam administered at mid-term to all students –Successful students can move to the Intermediate path –Unsuccessful students given customized remediation in Elementary path

14 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems DSPM 0800E Course Grades –Students given a grade ONLY for 0800 –Students who complete 0850 successfully will have a permanent waiver for the course –3 scenarios Unsuccessful in 0800 Successful in 0800 / Unsuccessful in 0850 Successful in both 0800 and 0850

15 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems DSP Accelerated Courses Advantages –Get to observe students work 6-7 weeks to make a better decision –Will expedite completion of program for students who can do so –Did not require approval for a new course Disadvantage –Students may not have timeframe to get as extensive foundation for subsequent courses

16 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Supplemental Instruction Targeted Courses –High percentages Ds, Fs, Ws –Large class size –Gatekeeper or capstone courses –Supportive & enthusiastic faculty

17 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Supplemental Instruction Structuring –Students self select –SI Supervisor is onsite, trained professional –SI Leader is student who successfully completed course

18 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Supplemental Instruction SI Supervisor –Targets the course –Selects and trains SI Leader –Monitors quality of SI sessions –Evaluates the program

19 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Supplemental Instruction SI Leader –The KEY to success of program –Model students who has been successful in course –Intensive training –Attends all class meetings, reads materials, takes notes –Conducts about 3 sessions per week

20 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Supplemental Instruction Advantages –High pass rates –Positive feedback from students Disadvantages –Labor intensive for supervisor –Relatively expensive

21 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Learning Communities Living-learning communities –First-year –Aerospace –Honors –Recording Industry –Women in Science –Deciding students

22 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Learning Communities Raider Learning Communities –Paired courses –Academic course with experiential course

23 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Learning Communities Advantages –Valuable retention tool –Builds community –Better rapport with instructor

24 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Learning Communities Disadvantages –Requires much organization by program coordinators –Teaching assignments cannot be arbitrary

25 Above & Beyond Traditional Course Delivery Systems Contact with presenters –Jennifer Dooley –Nancy McCormick –Presentation available at

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