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Abraham’s Journey Resource:

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1 Abraham’s Journey Resource:

2 Summary of Abraham’s journey
Abraham was a good man. One night he was told by God to go to Canaan/ the promise land.He bring his nephew Lot, his wife Herdsmen, camel ,and his things. And soon after that Lot’s herdsmen and Abraham’s herdsmen have a quarrel. So Abraham tell Lot to choose land and if Lot go to the Left then Abraham will go to the right. And at last Lot choose a piece land called Sodom while Abraham get a piece of land called Canaan.But soon after that Lot was kidnapped by the 4 kings’ soldier. So Abraham go and rescue Lot. Not long after that God tell Abraham and all of his family including Lot and his wife to move to another place and not to look back at Sodom. But Lot’s wife turn back and she turn into a pillar of salt. Long after that when Abraham was sitting out of his tent there was 3 man which is actually Jesus come to Abraham’s tent. Abraham was very happy to have some visitors so he ask them to have dinner with him. And while they eat their dinner Jesus say that Abraham and his wife Sarah will have a son that Jesus ask them to name their son Isaac. Both Abraham and hia wifewas surprised because they were to ald to have a baby. And not long after that Abraham have a son.

3 Questions About Abraham’s story
Q. What did Abraham do when he receive the instructions from God? A. Abraham follow the instructions from God Q. Did you know what Abraham bring? A. Abraham bring his wife, nephew, camel, Herdsmen,and other things? Q. Did Abraham have a good time? Did he have a bad time? Explain A. Yes he have a good time for example he found lands. But he also have a bad time because his herdsmen quarrel with Lot’s servants and he have to rescue Lot. Q.What were the situation that Abraham face with his nephew Lot? A.1. His nephew was caught 2. He and his nephew get lands 3. They went in a journey with no clues Q. Can you give the comments on Abraham’s character? If you are Abraham, what will you do in the future? A. Abraham is obedient,and like to give people another chance. The example are he follow God’s rule and he ask Lot to choose which land he want. I will learn to follow the God’s instruction and be a better Person.

4 What Have I Learned From Abraham
Q. Was Abraham Courageous? Yes He fought the bad kings armies to rescue Lot. Q. Was Abraham unselfish? Yes He let his nephew Lot to choose the best land to live in. Q. Did Abraham listen to God? Yes A. He hear that God ask him to go to Canaan or the choosen land Q. Did Abraham obey God? Yes He go to Canaan when God ask him to do it. Q. Did Abraham believe in only one God? Yes A.He only worship one God Q. How are like Abraham? A.I am like Abraham because in the future I will follow God’s instruction such as I pray at night time and I go to Church every Sunday.

5 Comments: I like Abraham because he always listen and follow the God’s instructionand always give another chance to other people. He also always bring what he really needs.

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