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Raising Standards through Innovative Inspection

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Presentation on theme: "Raising Standards through Innovative Inspection"— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising Standards through Innovative Inspection
SICI Conference Raising Standards through Innovative Inspection London June 2012

2 1. Learning and Teaching in Northern Ireland: The Changing Context
2. How ETI Evaluates Learning and Teaching 3. Learning and Teaching: Key Inspection Essentials

3 * 863 primary schools 1. Learning and Teaching in Northern Ireland
* 215 post-primary schools * Northern Ireland Curriculum: skills-based

4 * substantial lesson coverage
2. How ETI Evaluates Learning and Teaching * substantial lesson coverage * focus on pupils’ learning

5 3. Learning and Teaching: Key Inspection Essentials
* class positioning * interaction with pupils * quality time in class * the plenary

6 * teachers’ planning Key Inspection Essentials (continued)
* the pupils’ books and E files * discussions with pupils

7 * participant observation
Conclusion * participant observation * teachers hold high expectations for pupils * pupils make progress and attain standards of which they are capable * teaching interests, motivates and inspires pupils * pupils and immediate feedback to encourage improvement

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