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Do Now.

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1 Do Now

2 What is the best thing about Culver City Middle School? Claim
Do Now # Pg. 10 What is the best thing about Culver City Middle School? Claim Evidence Reasoning

3 Come up with 3 pieces of evidence and reasoning to support the claim:
Do Now # Pg. 10 Come up with 3 pieces of evidence and reasoning to support the claim: I claim that Room 325 is a Science classroom.

4 A. Do you think this gel ball is living or non-living? Explain.
Do Now # Pg.14 Remember to set page up properly! Question on the right answers on the left. A. Do you think this gel ball is living or non-living? Explain. B. Draw a picture of a magnified view of the gel ball. C. Has your idea of what the gel ball is changed? Explain.

5 Do Now # 4 Pg.14 Question on the right answers on the left.
A. Do you think this gel ball is living or non-living? Explain? B. Draw a picture of a magnified view of the gel ball. C. Has your idea of what the gel ball is changed. Explain?

6 Do now # New page! pg. 17 Remember to set page up properly! Question on the right answers on the left. Image 1 Image 1 is a magnified image. What are these circular shapes with smaller circles inside? Do you think the image is plant or animal? Image 2 is a magnified image. What are the long rectangular shapes? Do you think the image is plant or animal? Look at page 13R. What are the shapes you see in the living images. What can you claim about magnified images of living things. Image 2

7 Human, Plants and Bacteria are all living things
Human, Plants and Bacteria are all living things! If you look at them with a microscope you will see cells! Cells is what make up all living things!

8 Gel-ball Phenomena Evidence Page 12R
Activity 2 : What is a cell? Claim:

9 What do you think? Are Corals, plant, animal, or non-living?
Do now # pg. 17 Remember to set page up properly! Question on the right answers on the left. What do you think? Are Corals, plant, animal, or non-living? After watching the video: Are Corals plant, animal, or non-living? Draw a picture of a magnified view of coral.

10 Do Now #7

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