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The Middle Ages A Brief Overview

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1 The Middle Ages A Brief Overview

2 What? The Middle Ages is the period between the decline of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. The early Middle Ages are often referred to as the Dark Ages. The Middle Ages are also referred to as the Medieval era.

3 The Middle Ages lasted 1100 years from about 400 until 1500.
When? The Middle Ages lasted 1100 years from about 400 until 1500.

4 Where? The Middle ages took place in Europe and in surrounding areas.

5 Why? The two areas that were focused on were trade and religion.
There was a desire to make countries stronger after the fall of the Roman Empire. The two areas that were focused on were trade and religion.

6 Who? There are many people we associate with The Middle Ages. All had a role in society back then.

7 King and Queen Ruled the country. Held all the power.

8 Barons Wealthy and powerful people who had control and power in a small portion of the country. They had their own armies. Kings wanted them happy so that there would be no trouble.

9 Lords and Ladies They held a lot of power. The lords owned land and served in the army when needed. The ladies had an indulgent life.

10 Anglo Saxons European settlers after the Romans left. Mostly farmers and sailors. They were from Germany, Holland, and England.

11 Goths A tribe from Scandinavia, the Goths played a role in taking down the Roman Empire.

12 Vikings Explorers, warriors, pirates and merchants who raided, explored and settled in different areas in Asia and Europe.

13 Knights Knights spent their lives training and then serving their king.

14 Monks Monks took the vow of poverty, chastity and obedience in order to give themselves to the brotherhood. They did this to be closer to God.

15 Freemen Peasants who rented land or worked for pay. Freemen were usually craftsman. Sometimes, a woman had this status.

16 Serfs Serfs were not slaves, but were not free. They belonged to the land, not the lord. They worked hard but got money or land in return. They could not be bought or sold.

17 Slaves The lowest class of citizens. They had no rights and worked for the lords.

18 Merchants Medieval merchants sailed the seas around Europe and the Mediterranean to do trade. They made themselves very rich through their work. They traded in food, raw materials, and luxuries: wool from England, furs from Russia, wood from Scandinavia, salt and wine from France, horses from Spain, cloth and tapestries from Flanders, glass from Italy, and silks and spices from Asia.

19 Jesters A Jester was a professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman

20 The End The Middle Ages came to an end when the people started focusing more on literacy and education. These changes led to the Renaissance period.

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