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Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal

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1 Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal
Removing Home Generated Sharps from Household Waste May 2008

2 State Needle Disposal Legislation
Safe community needle disposal is not just the right thing to do…it’s the law! Red States have passed laws Blue States have legislation pending Grey States are considering legislation in 2009 Changed the number of diabetics

3 State Legislative Progress
Current State Legislation (Ultimately removing needles from the household garbage) Passed: California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Oregon Pending: Pennsylvania, Mississippi, New Hampshire Considering Legislation in 2009: Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida (county-by-county), DC Considering Policy Changes: Rhode Island Changed the number of diabetics

4 Immediate Opportunities
California: Must have needle disposal options in place by Sept AB 501 just passed in House and is now in Senate that says “Pharmaceutical manufacturers that dispense a pre-filled syringe must provide a safe needle disposal at patients request either with a sharps by mail program or a sharps container with information with the closest disposal site in their community. Massachusetts: Must have needle disposal options in place by August Currently work with Product Stewardship Institute to identify pay structure using pharmacies and product manufacturers. Louisiana: Must have needle disposal options in place by January 2009. Changed the number of diabetics

5 Other State Legislation
New Jersey: Included in a Syringe Exchange Bill passed in The bill directs each county freeholder board and the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, in accordance with standards adopted by regulation of the Commissioner of Environmental Protection in consultation with the Commissioner of Health and Senior Services, to prepare and adopt a sharps disposal component as an amendment to the district solid waste management plan required pursuant to the provisions of the “Solid Waste Management Act,” P.L.1970, c.39 (C.12:1E-1 et seq.) to provide for the proper and safe disposal of medical waste generated at home within the district. Pennsylvania: Providing for a program for the disposal of home-generated medical sharps, and for powers and duties of the Department of Environmental Protection. Changed the number of diabetics

6 Mississippi Legislation
(1) The Department of Environment Quality shall develop and implement a statewide program for the safe, convenient and cost‑effective disposal of home‑generated medical sharps. The program may provide for a variety of methods of disposal, including: (a) Use of mail‑back programs; (b) Community‑based drop‑off sites; (c) Municipal hazardous waste drop‑off sites; (d) Special curbside pickup service; or (e) Home needle destruction devices. (2) The program shall include an educational component designed to inform the public about safe disposal of home‑generated medical sharps and to promote the public's use of the program for safe disposal of home‑generated medical sharps. Changed the number of diabetics

7 Mississippi Continued
The department shall develop the program no later than July 1, 2009, and shall implement the program no later than January 1, 2010. (4) After January 1, 2010, no person shall place any home‑generated medical sharps that are capable of puncturing the skin for the delivery of medication in any container used for the collection of solid waste, recyclable materials, construction and demolition debris, or compost. Any person who violates this subsection shall be subject to the penalties and enforcement provision of Section 49‑17‑43. SECTION 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2008. Changed the number of diabetics

8 Reimbursement Strategies
Medicare Reimbursement Bill Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and Representative Mike Ferguson (R-NJ) introduced companion bills (S and HB 3251) in August 2007 that will provide coverage for home needle destruction devices or the disposal of sharps through a mail back under Part D of the Medicare Program. Changed the number of diabetics

9 Reimbursement Strategies
Why a Medicare Bill? The Impact! Government Million Americans (Medicaid-40 million, Medicare – 40 million) Private Million Americans Uninsured 46 Million Americans Changed the number of diabetics

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