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Developing higher level thinking skills in pupils

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Presentation on theme: "Developing higher level thinking skills in pupils"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing higher level thinking skills in pupils

2 Starter task 1. Describe what this picture is showing.
2. What do you think will happen next? 3. Write down at least two questions that you can ask about this picture

3 Developing higher level thinking skills in pupils
Objectives Demonstrate techniques that can be used to develop higher level thinking skills in pupils. Discuss the use of these techniques in lessons.

4 The mind is not a vessel to be filled but, a fire to be ignited
A teacher’s dilemma What is 25 ÷ 5?

5 Higher level thinking Evaluation Synthesis Creativity Analysis

6 Encourage discussion Questioning on picture of building
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but, a fire to be ignited Encourage discussion Questioning on picture of building

7 Encourage discussion Add/challenge/change/develop task demonstration
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but, a fire to be ignited Encourage discussion Add/challenge/change/develop task demonstration

8 Add Challenge Change Develop

9 Challenge — to ask questions
WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN WHY HOW Add — to add a brand new idea Develop — to take something that is already there and make it better (this might be through adding awesome words or a more detailed explanation) Change — to take something that is already there and make it clearer so it makes sense (improve SPAG!)

10 The mind is not a vessel to be filled but, a fire to be ignited
Using questioning Formulate a question about this picture Guess a question that could be asked about this picture.

11 Who are the people shown in this pictures?
Challenge: Write other questions that could be asked about the people in these pictures.

12 What dangers can you see in this factory?
If you were visiting this factory what kind of questions relating to safety would you ask the owners of this company?

13 Which power stations should we use to generate electricity?
Ideas for this power station are …. Ideas against this power are …. Neutral ideas are …. You have just evaluated the use of power stations. Now use these ideas to write a report about the use of power stations.

14 ? What should be here? What are today’s Learning Objectives?

15 Encourage discussion Goldilocks story – questioning/differentiation
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but, a fire to be ignited Encourage discussion Goldilocks story – questioning/differentiation

16 Using AfL Draw house without criteria and with criteria
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but, a fire to be ignited Using AfL Draw house without criteria and with criteria

17 Starter task 1. Describe what this picture is showing.
2. What do you think will happen next? 3. Write down at least two questions that you can ask about this picture


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