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Year 2S Welcome book.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2S Welcome book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2S Welcome book

2 Our class mission statement
In Year 2… We are kind and helpful. We look after each other and help our friends when they have fallen over. We always try our best. We look after our things. We do our best to listen. We are rhinos. We are ants. We are tortoises. We are beavers. WE ARE A TEAM!

3 In 2S our class target is to work together to quickly tidy up.
This might be at the end of a lesson, before golden time, or before home time. When we work hard to work together to tidy up we get a tick. Once we have 10 ticks we get reward time!

4 Individual targets We all have our own targets.
We work with Miss Simms to think of something that we would like to get better at. This might be in reading, writing, maths, or another area of our learning. Our rocket is then put on the red plant. Once we start working on our target, our rocket is moved to the orange planet. When we meet our target, our rocket is moved to the green planet and we get a sticker in our stick book.

5 Rewards There are lots of different rewards that we can earn in year 2. We are all in a team and we can get team points for our team when we do something well. Whichever team has the most points has a non-uniform day at the end of the term. We can also put our name on the sun and stars, this means we get golden time on a Friday. We also have sticker books. Each week Miss Simms will pick a ‘star of the week’. They can pick something from the prize box and get to stand up in assembly with a certificate. Golden Blog – This is a special reward where children are sent to the headteacher Mrs Nicholls and they get a sticker and their picture on the ‘Golden Blog’. Diner of the week – this is given to someone who has been polite at lunch time.

6 Roles and responsibilities
Everyone has their own ‘job’ in year 2. This helps us to be responsible, work together and to think about all the things that make our classroom great. These jobs include things such as: Letter monitor Bookshelf monitor School council representative Team captains Pencil pot monitor Weather monitor

7 Our timetable

8 Our classroom

9 Behaviour Every morning we all start with our names on the sun.
If we keep our name on the sun all week then we get all of our Golden Time on Friday. When we work hard we get to move our names up to the stars and get team points AND Golden Time on Friday. If we have to move our name down to the clouds, we lose some of our Golden Time.

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