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Introduction to World Regional Geography.

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1 Introduction to World Regional Geography
















17 The 455 million people of North America produce more goods and consume more resources than those on any other continent. Canada and the United States share a 5,500- mile (8,850-kilometer) border, the longest and one of the friendliest anywhere. Some 75 percent of the more than 260 million people in the United States live in towns and cities. Yet farmers, accounting for less than 2 percent of the population, lead the world in production of soybeans and corn.

18 The continent has a relatively small population of only 319 million
The continent has a relatively small population of only million. The population of Brazil almost equals that of all the other South American countries combined. Industry accounts for one-third of the continent's economic activity.

19 From 1990 to 1995 the countries of Europe mushroomed from 33 to 43, most of which have access to the ocean. In these countries live 686 million people who speak some 80 languages.

20 Africa is home to 53 independent countries and 720 million people
Africa is home to 53 independent countries and million people. Africa's population is expanding by 3 percent a year, the highest growth rate of any continent.

21 Asia consists of more than 40 countries
Asia consists of more than 40 countries. Its population exceeds three billion. Asia has the distinction of having the most populous country in the world, China.

22 Despite abundant claims to the Antarctic landmass, in the parties to the Antarctic Treaty proposed rules to safeguard the continent's environment and to prohibit mining for at least 50 years.

23 The vastness of the oceans has long isolated this country continent
The vastness of the oceans has long isolated this country continent. In this land that is virtually the same size as the contiguous United States, sheep outnumber the 18 million people.

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