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OpenPEPPOL-CEF AS2 to AS4 migration info session

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1 OpenPEPPOL-CEF AS2 to AS4 migration info session 21.08.2018
REC Note: this info session is being recorded and will be made available on the internet

2 Welcome André Hoddevik, OpenPEPPOL

3 Agenda Welcome and introduction (by André Hoddevik, OpenPEPPOL)
Background on the PEPPOL AS2 to AS4 migration (by André Hoddevik, by OpenPEPPOL) CEF eDelivery information (by CEF eDelivery) AS4 migration planning (by Lefteris Leontaridis, OpenPEPPOL) Solution options (by Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen, OpenPEPPOL) Oxalis multiprotocol support for AS2 and AS4 (by Rune Kjørlaug, Difi) CEF Conformance Testing (by CEF eDelivery) PEPPOL onboarding procedures and test platform (by Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen, OpenPEPPOL) INEA grants (by CEF eDelivery) Guidance and support for this transition (by Lefteris Leontaridis, OpenPEPPOL) Q&A (Lefteris Leontaridis, OpenPEPPOL)

4 2. Background on the PEPPOL AS2 to AS4 migration
André Hoddevik, OpenPEPPOL

5 Migration Overview Where we have been Where we are going:
Letter of Understanding signed between OpenPEPPOL and the European Commission in 2016 Conditions agreed for the completion of the different phases: mostly market-based, ensuring sufficient maturity of the AS4 message exchange protocol specifications and implementations and penetration in the market December 2017: A first version of a PEPPOL AS4 profile is published March 2018: Public announcement that the criteria for a second important milestone (T2) have been met – AS4 officially becomes an optional message exchange protocol in the PEPPOL eDelivery Network Where we are going: August 2018: Revision of the PEPPOL AS4 profile – now fully compliant with CEF eDelivery specifications September 2018: Launching of on-boarding test services for AS4 by OpenPEPPOL, starting to on-board the first service providers to implement AS4 for post-award and pre-award use cases December 2018: Assessment of criteria for the next migration milestone (T3) January 2019: If T3 conditions are met, new OpenPEPPOL members can start supporting AS4 only 1 July 2019: AS4 becomes mandatory protocol in the PEPPOL eDelivery network, AS2 remains optional

6 3. CEF eDelivery information

7 Lefteris Leontaridis, OpenPEPPOL
4. AS4 migration planning Lefteris Leontaridis, OpenPEPPOL

8 The Principles To allow a smooth and as friction free transition as possible, supporting two versions of the protocols for new as well as existing service providers must be allowed. To ensure non‐disrupted operations and full interoperability of the messages exchanged in the PEPPOL network, the period during which two parallel versions are allowed should be as short as possible. Any changes affecting the current (mandatory) PEPPOL specifications and/or procedures should be notified, communicated and agreed upon in the relevant coordinating community (CC) well in advance. The migration is conducted in four steps at three different points in time, marked as “A”, “B”, “C” and “D” and are defined as follows: Phase-in Assessment of transition criteria completion Transition Phase-out

9 The definitions and important dates – preparing and qualifying
Phase-in Date Date at which the new AS4 profile is introduced as an optional protocol in the PEPPOL eDelivery Network. At this date it should be possible to download the specification for the new PEPPOL AS4 profile. The updated PEPPOL AS4 profile will be optional at this point in time. Markup date: December 2017 (publication of first version of the PEPPOL AS4 profile) Effective date: beginning September 2018 (new AS4 profile approved after public review) AS2 is still the mandatory protocol and is expected to be implemented by all Service Providers joining OpenPEPPOL until a Transition Date is firmly set Assessment of transition criteria completion Date at which it is decided to set the final transition date or postpone the transition date for the AS4 PEPPOL profile. This will involve an assessment of the LoU (Letter of Understanding) criteria agreed between the European Commission and OpenPEPPOL. This will basically decide when the new AS4 protocol becomes mandatory Target: December 2018

10 The definitions and important dates – executing the migration
Transition date Date at which the new PEPPOL AS4 profile replaces the current PEPPOL AS2 profile as the mandatory protocol. The previous PEPPOL AS2 profile becomes optional Target date: By June 2019 Precondition: That the LoU criteria for transition (T3) are met The Transition period is defined as the period during which the current PEPPOL AS2 protocol changes status from mandatory to optional. The new PEPPOL AS4 profile, becomes mandatory, to align with the communication protocol strategy laid out by OpenPEPPOL and the EC. From January 2019 onwards (6 months before the transition date) new service providers can implement only AS4 and do not need to implement AS2 as well Phase-out date Date after which the old PEPPOL AS2 profile is not supported any more in the PEPPOL network Subject to completion of the Phase-out criteria (T4) as stated in the LoU with the EC

11 The Transition Criteria (T3)
Handling of message payload and attachments size in CEF AS4 profile implementations similar to PEPPOL AS2 profile implementations: Production use of CEF AS4 profile with transactions in the PEPPOL 4-Corner network for 3 on-going months in eInvoicing and 3 on-going months for Tender Submission use cases 4. Market readiness – previous experience shows that signalling the adoption of a technology will significantly contribute to its adoption by the market. Therefore, it is vital to announce in advance the intentions of moving to AS4. Support by commonly used platforms: In T2 OpenPEPPOL will survey its Users to identify the integration platforms in use. In T3, the same survey will be run by OpenPEPPOL. The results of the T3 survey should show that the majority of platforms in use support both AS2 and AS4. Availability of free/affordable AS4 training services, setup and implementation competences at European level and in at least 50% of all Member States and Associated Countries. Production use of AS4 for at least 30% of all transactions in CEF eDelivery integrated with PKI and SMP in the eProcurement domain including pre and post award. Support ratio of registered Critical and Urgent incidents measured for PEPPOL support related to Interoperability max 50/50 (AS4/AS2) – number of registered AS4 support incidents should not exceed the number of registered AS2 supports incidents (measured on a 3 months basis).

12 AS4 in OpenPEPPOL First version published December 2017
Formal completion of the T2 date However, some incompatibilities with CEF AS4 profile were identified Second version: public review to be announced, approved early September Fully compatible with CEF eDelivery Takes the approach towards providing implementation guidelines for adopting the CEF AS4 profile in PEPPOL, rather than coming up with a new profile Some remarks for improvement, coming from the TICC inside OpenPEPPOL, are being suggested to CEF as change requests, thereby ensuring that any input coming from OpenPEPPOL members will go through the CEF change management process and therefore not risk a breach of compliance between PEPPOL AS4 and CEF eDelivery

13 What is new in the upcoming version
The PEPPOL AS4 Profile now points directly to the CEF AS4 Profile and provides only properties further profiled in PEPPOL. TLS: PEPPOL now will support TLS Encryption in transport level Compression: Compression is now mandatory also in PEPPOL profile IPv4 and IPv6: Both are now supported as stated in CEF Use of payload filename: Instead of removing it, made the use of a mandatory filename called "payload.xml" which makes now the PEPPOL spec compliant to CEF eDelivery Mandatory Push-Push: Currently is required to be supported by the AS4 Implementation (Access Point) in order to be compliant with CEF. However two way push-push will not be used in PEPPOL In discussions with CEF on making Push/Push optional

14 Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen, OpenPEPPOL
5. Solution options Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen, OpenPEPPOL

15 CEF eDelivery AS4 conformant solutions

16 PEPPOL eDelivery conformant solutions
CEF eDelivery AS4 conformance is first step Needs to be conformant with the PEPPOL eDelivery AS4 profile (a specialization of the CEF eDelivery AS4 profile) Needs to be able to make lookups and handle BDXL and SMP It is a change of one component (message exchange) in the PEPPOL eDelivery architecture Oxalis is currently the dominant AP solution in PEPPOL eDelivery infrastructure But note: other open source and vendor specific solutions exists!

17 6. Oxalis multiprotocol support for AS2 and AS4
Rune Kjørlaug, Difi

18 What is Oxalis? Business concerns Content Addressing Processing
Technical concerns Routing Protocol Availability Oxalis is an open source implementation of an access point following the OpenPEPPOL specifications

19 Oxalis Inbound File Archive Digest REM Protocol endpoint.
Third party File Archive Digest Generate timestamp Read SBDH Check signature Generate MDN Statistics Document storage REM Return MDN Validate certificate DBMS SBDH – Standard Businesss Document (Header) MDN - Message Disposition Notification - This provides a non-repudiation of receipt1 29 for the exchange of an 30 electronic business message REM – Registered Electronic Mail - Is used as a transport neutral evidence of delivery or reception Protocol endpoint. One for AS2 ( and one for AS4 (

20 Oxalis Outbound Message “factories” new extension to support AS4 REM
Read SBDH Lookup SML/SMP Generate message Send message Depended on SMP lookup Enhanced Baseline REM DBMS Statistics Check signature MDN

21 Roadmap for Oxalis 4.0 Implement AS4 endpoint and message factory
First successful transactions week 33 The goal is to bundle implementation with Oxalis 4 asap (distributing the capability to use AS4) Tentative mid September – continuous improvements. AS4 plugin easily installed for existing Oxalis 4 installations. No configuration needed. Distributed as jar-file to be installed as any other extension to Oxalis The SMP decides when Enable AS4 when conformance test passed Auto-register the AP’s capability for AS4 as it’s getting installed

22 Need more? VEFA : Github: Installation manual:
Github: Installation manual: Need help – try an Github Issue!

23 7. CEF Conformance Testing
CEF eDelivery

24 8. PEPPOL onboarding procedures and test platform
Klaus Vilstrup Pedersen, OpenPEPPOL

25 PEPPOL Testbed vision Subject to available resources from
members and vendors

26 PEPPOL Testbed version 1
Ready by mid/end September 2018

27 PEPPOL AS4 on-boarding procedure
The Service provider under test will receive a link to the testbed along with their PEPPOL PKI test certificate. The service provider will be prompted to upload the PKI cert and based on the cert info (Seat ID, organization name etc.) a user is created for the testing service provider. After login the testing provider choose either AS2 or AS4 testing. This activates a tutorial-based test procedure consisting of the following steps: Step 1: The Service provider under test is prompted with a checklist ensuring the basis requirements are met: The AP MUST implement HTTPS with certificate chains to certificate authorities which would be considered to be trusted by the PEPPOL community. The AP URL MUST only refer to HTTPS. The AP URL MUST (for AS4) use the default port 443. This assures firewall rules are often setup in advance.

28 PEPPOL AS4 on-boarding procedure (2/3)
Step 2 (test case 1): The test provider informs about the AP url (to where the testbed can send a file – this is NOT done through an SMP lookup and the service provider under test is not required to register in an SMP) The Testbed sends a valid PEPPOL BIS 2.0 Invoice to the AP url of the test provider. MDNs (Message Disposition Notification) are automatically checked etc. Step 3 (test case 2): Test provider is prompted to return the Invoice intact using the sending participant as receiver and performing the dynamic lookup in the SMP where the sending party will be registered as receiver in an SMP maintained by Operation Office. Step 4 (test case 3): The testbed will send a large PEPPOL BIS catalogue (over 50 MB). Step 5 (test case 4): The test provider must return the catalogue intact like with the initial Invoice

29 PEPPOL AS4 on-boarding procedure (3/3)
Step 6 (test case 5): Possibly one negative test will be performed in phase 1 Step 7: After full test the testing service provider will notify Operating office on end of test and OO will assess test logs to verify successful completion. OO will notify the testing service provider and the PA of testing service provider about the result.

30 9. INEA grants CEF eDelivery

31 10. Guidance and support for this transition
Lefteris Leontaridis, OpenPEPPOL

32 Conclusions – what to be aware of
New PEPPOL AS4 profile coming up look out for member communication in the following days 3-week public review process – welcome to participate Official publication early September Onboarding test service available on the Service Desk Estimated for late September Contact the Operating Office through the Service Desk Support services, answering questions etc. Provided by the Operating Office, available through the Service Desk F2F opportunity: Coordinating Community Member Meetings Brussels, October 2018 Details to be announced

33 Lefteris Leontaridis, OpenPEPPOL
11. Q&A Lefteris Leontaridis, OpenPEPPOL


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