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Paris in the Twentieth Century

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1 Paris in the Twentieth Century
By Jules Verne

2 Paris in the Twentieth Century
Originally written in 1863 Publisher refused to publish the book because it was too farfetched and pessimistic Found in a long lost safe by Jules Verne’s great- grandson – Published in 1990 Set in Verne’s distant future (1960)

3 P20 Themes and Tropes Technological/Scientific Advancement Pride Love
Education “Black Sheep” Poverty Weather/Seasons

4 P20 Vocabulary List 1 List 2 Proliferation Desuetude Laureate Viaduct
Avarice Opulent Usury Pernicious Brazen Collusion Menagerie Ablution Argot Banal Ardent Frivolity Milieu Barracks Vaudeville Coffer Subjugate Fastidious Apotheoses Sepulcher

5 A Warning from Paul-Louis Courier
O terrible influence of this race which serves neither god nor king, Given over to the mundane sciences, To base mechanical professions! Pernicious breed! What will you not Attempt, left to your own devices, Abandoned without restraint to that Fatal spirit of knowledge, of Invention, of progress. Mundane Common; ordinary; unimaginative Pernicious Causing harm or ruin; evil; wicked Why do you think these are the first words we see in this book? How do they connect to dystopian themes and ideas of this course?

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