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Overview of the AOSA Brassica carinata referee 2017

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1 Overview of the AOSA Brassica carinata referee 2017

2 Steve Jones and Gord Berg Diagnostic Unit Head and Science Specialist
Seed Science & Technology Section, Saskatoon Saskatoon landscape courtesy and property of Tourism Saskatoon (see

3 Referee background and aims
ISTA is proposing Brassica carinata germination methods to be added to the ISTA Rules Edition 2018 Aims: Familiarise North American laboratories with the new ISTA validated germination method Allow collection of data on the uniformity of test results for the new methods To help support an AOSA Rules proposal for 2018

4 Brassica carinata AOSA referee
BP (Between Paper) 20⁰C or 20<=>30⁰C First count 5 days, final count 7 days 18 laboratories, 6 seed lots 4 laboratories from the initial ISTA validation

5 Brassica carinata referee results
Not yet but…. Results are due back by 31 July 2017 Some labs have reported already No prize to the first lab that has already reported their results but many thanks from Gord and myself!!

6 Thank you for listening Any questions?
Thanks to all CFIA colleagues in Saskatoon who helped organise the referee especially Gord Berg, Tanya Neudorf, Julie Lu, Janet Holick, Chelsea Hayden, Saliha Rahman, Karen Zoller, Maria Cumming, Nicole Wurm, Marge Kowalchuk, Marlene Driedger and Janine Maruschak

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