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Employee Applicant Tracking
A Guide for Hiring Managers
What is UT JOBS? New Employee Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for the
University of Tennessee
What’s Different for Departments?
Online Requisitions Through IRIS Approvals Using IRIS Approval Workflow Seven Business-Day Minimum Posting Period for Exempt and Non-exempt Positions One Stop for Approval from Office of Equity and Diversity (OED) Ability to Manage the Applicant Hiring Process Online
What’s Different for Applicants?
Ability to Search for Jobs by Campus or Institute, Geographic Region, Zip Code or Job Function Ability to Create Profile and Set Up Social Network Notifications Ability to Submit Resume to Partially Complete the Application Ability to Check their Application Status
Getting Started
Access IRIS Choose IRIS Production Enter Your IRIS User Name & Password
Access Position Create/ Change E-Form
Double Click
Enter Effective Date. You can use the current date.
Note: If this is a new position then you must first a PDQ to Dan Webb at and copy Once approved, HR will initiate this e-form on your behalf.
If the position exists in IRIS, enter Position Number
If the position exists in IRIS, enter Position Number. If unknown, the Position Number can be located in IRIS PA20 by searching for the current incumbent.
Click “Yes” Radio Button to Create Requisition.
Click Refresh Button to Find Position
Click Refresh Button to Find Position. This is required to display position in the area below.
Highlight Position.
Click Change
Example of completed position request form.
Note: You may also request changes to the position among this form.
If there are no other changes, click Submit for Approval.
The request will now be sent through the approval process. If an approver rejects the request for any reason, you will receive an notification. Contacting the approver would be necessary at this time. Once final approval is given, the initiator will receive a notification . This only indicates completion of the approval process. The position is not posted at this time. Melanie Sadler, Laure Rodebaugh, or Jackie Strand will contact you, via once approval is complete, to create the job advertisement content and post the position in Taleo.
Viewing Your Requisition In Taleo
Viewing Your Requisitions
Access Requisitions Online If you are not logged into the UT Network, sign into the ATS using your netid and password. If you are logged into the UT Network, you will automatically be directed to the ATS menu.
Viewing your Requisitions
This is the screen you will see if you are not logged into the UT Network. Log in using your netid and password. Any IRIS user should have log in access to Taleo.
To view your requisitions, click Recruiting.
On the Main Menu, click View Requisitions to find detailed information about your job requisition(s). Each requisition is established in Taleo by an HR recruiter once the position request approval process is complete. A requisition will be viewable in Taleo by a hiring department once the recruiter completes the process and posts the position to the active external and internal career sites. Note: Search Committee members may access the Taleo System if names are provided to the HR recruiter when the requisition is being developed.
When you are in the Taleo System, you will see this information in the upper, right-hand corner of the screen. Click here to log completely out of the Taleo System. Your Name Shows information about you as a Taleo user. Click to return to the Main Menu.
You will be presented a list of your active requisitions
You will be presented a list of your active requisitions. Note the number beside each requisition indicates the number of applications you currently have for the requisition. To view detailed information, click on the requisition title.
You will be presented information about the requisition
You will be presented information about the requisition. Use the scroll bar to see additional information .
The additional sections of the requisition are listed below
The additional sections of the requisition are listed below. Click on the arrows to expand each section. Administration describes the budgeting information. Description (External) shows the job description that appears on the External Career Site. Description (Internal) shows the job description that appears on the Internal Career Site. Prescreening shows the prescreening questions assigned to the requisition.
After reviewing a specific requisition, click the Return to the Requisition List button to return to the full requisition list.
Viewing Applications
Viewing Applications A 7 business-day advertising period is required before requesting to view applications for your position(s). You may contact Melanie Sadler, Laure Rodebaugh, or Jackie Strand to request to view new applications. The HR recruiter will log into Taleo and review each received application to determine if they meet the minimum qualifications of the position. Those meeting minimum qualifications will be released to the hiring department for further review. Those not meeting minimum qualifications will remain in the Taleo system without being further reviewed by the hiring department.
Viewing Applications cont.
Notice of applications to review are received via by the hiring department. Separate for each application. PDF format or login to view. Enables search committee chair to forward applications to search committee members.
Open the email as normal
Open the as normal. This example reflects an for each applicant referred by your Recruiter.
To send to other search committee members, simply forward the email.
After entering a message and the address(es) of the Search Committee Member(s), click the Send Button to forward information. Note: This functionality allows information to also be sent to non-UT search committee members, if applicable.
Click on pdf link to view application in pdf
Click on pdf link to view application in pdf. To view the resume, click the resume link. Click on this link to take you directly into the Taleo System to view the application and resume. Viewing applications within the system continues on Slide #35. Note: Authorization to the applications in Taleo is dependent on being named as a hiring manager, hiring manager assistant or a collaborator in the requisition PLUS having IRIS access.
PDF Application A general introductory page will appear. To see the application, scroll through the document.
PDF Application Sections
Note: The PDF applications will be separated into these sections.
This is the screen you will see if you click the login link in the and are not logged into the UT Network. Log in using your netid and password.
To view your applications, click on Recruiting.
On the Main Menu, click View Candidates to view and manage your applications.
A list of your active requisitions appears
A list of your active requisitions appears. Entering a date in the Since field, enables viewing of candidates who have applied since the specified date. Click on the right arrow next to the requisition title to see the list of candidates to be reviewed.
Once an applicant is chosen from the list by clicking on their name, the first screen that may appear is a history of the activities related to the candidate’s application process for the requisition. If the History of the applicant appears, click on the Job Submission tab to see the candidate’s data.
The Candidate Personal Information will appear
The Candidate Personal Information will appear. Scroll through the applicant information to see additional data. To view the resume that was originally attached, click the Attachments tab. To view the attachment, click on the title of the converted file. Note: You may have to allow pop-ups from in the web browser you are using to enable this functionality.
Hint: Anytime you are reviewing an individual candidate and want to return to the candidate list, click the Up to the Candidate List button.
Managing Candidates
Managing Candidates Each candidate goes through a series of steps and statuses during the hiring process. See Appendix A for Steps and Statuses As a hiring manager or assistant, you will be moving your candidates through these steps and statuses. Once the HR recruiter reviews the incoming applications, they will release them for further review and the candidates will then be listed among the UT-Search Committee Review step with a To Be Reviewed status.
Managing your Candidates
In the To Be Reviewed status of the Search Committee Review step, each committee will further review the candidates and select a pool to be interviewed. Prior to establishing an interview pool, all applications should be requested for review and release by HR . The job posting can be removed at any time the hiring department informs HR of a sufficient applicant pool.
Managing your Candidates
An important step in the exempt hiring process is the approval of the primary and secondary interview pools by the Office of Equity and Diversity (OED). This MUST be completed before interviews are scheduled. Note: This step is not required for a non exempt position. Non exempt instructions continue on Slide #61.
Equity and Diversity Approval
The following slides will demonstrate step-by-step instructions for moving a candidate through the OED step and status approval process.
You may change the step or status of multiple applicants at the same time ONLY if all selected applicants are moving to the same step/status. As an example of changing multiple applicants at the same time, this demo will show the process for identifying the primary and secondary interview pools for OED approval. OED requests that each hiring department submits both a primary and secondary interview pool for approval. Primary pools will consist of top candidates intended to be interviewed and secondary pools consist of alternate interview possibilities.
Equity and Diversity Approval
To access the employment Applicant Tracking System directly and not via an link, enter the following URL in the search window of your web browser:
Accessing your Candidate List
If you are not logged into the UT Network, you will be asked to log in using your netid and password.
To view your candidates, click on Recruiting.
On the Main Menu, click View Candidates to view and manage the candidates for your requisition.
A list of your active requisitions appears.
Click on the right arrow next to the requisition title to see the list of candidates to be reviewed.
From this display, you may choose multiple candidates and change their status to ask for OED approval to interview.
Choose candidates by checking the box to the left of the names.
To change the status of all chosen applicants, click More Actions, then Change Step/Status among the drop-down menu.
Click the drop-down arrow to choose the New Status Primary Pool for OED Approval.
Check the Send Correspondence box. This will send an to OED that a candidate has been placed in one of the interview pools. There will be an sent for each of the candidates chosen. Click Save and Continue.
Click the Selector button to be presented a list of correspondence.
Click the Select button for the UT-Ready for OED Approval correspondence.
Notice the correspondence is now listed.
You may enter comments if you wish, but it is not required. Click Next to continue.
A template email will appear with an error
A template will appear with an error. The error is to ensure that the “To:” field is complete. To complete, click the Edit button.
The “To:” field is highlighted
The “To:” field is highlighted. Please send all correspondences to for OED approval. If you would like to preview the , click Preview. Click Send and Close to send the approval .
Perform the same process for the alternate pool group, choosing Secondary Pool for OED Approval as the New Status. OED requests for each hiring department to a copy of interview questions and evaluation rubrics/tools at the time the Primary and Secondary Interview Pools are submitted for approval. All communications should be sent to
Required Steps & Statuses
Once interview pools receive OED approval, the New Status will read as Primary Pool Approved by OED and Secondary Pool Approved by OED for each presented candidate. Note: Non exempt candidates should still be in the To Be Reviewed status of the Search Committee Review Step. Steps and statuses must be changed to further move the candidates through the interview and selection process. There are several statuses among each step that can be utilized by the hiring department (See Appendix A), however, candidates can be moved through the process more quickly by only utilizing the required statuses needed to advance them to the next step.
Required Steps & Statuses
From the exempt Primary/Secondary Pool Approved by OED status or non exempt To Be Reviewed status, one or multiple candidates can be advanced to the Search Committee Interview step and Present to Hiring Manager status by repeating the More Actions>Change Step/Status action after selecting the individual candidate(s). For the remainder of this demo, we will be following Jackson Hodge through the hiring process.
From the More Actions menu, choose Change Step/Status.
Choose Present to Hiring Manager from the drop-down list.
Click Save and Close to return to the candidate list.
+ To send an to the Hiring Manager notifying him/her of the pending candidate to review, check the box next to Jackson’s name, click on More Actions, then Change Step/Status. Choose Present to Hiring Manager from the drop-down list. Check the box next to Send Correspondence to notify the Hiring Manager of pending candidates to review. Note: This is only necessary if the hiring manager is not part of the larger search committee and has not already reviewed the applications. Click Save and Continue to finish the correspondence step.
Click the Selector button to choose a correspondence template.
Click the Select button for the UT-Hiring Manager Applications Ready to Review template. Click the Next button to continue.
The template will appear
The template will appear. When the goes to the Hiring Manager, the “variable fields” will be replaced by actual requisition and candidate data. Click Send and Close to generate the and return to the candidate list.
The Hiring Manager will receive an email
The Hiring Manager will receive an . Open the as usual for information.
Required Steps & Statuses
Next, the one or multiple candidates can be advanced to the Hire Manager Review step and Schedule Interview status for anyone wishing to receive a final interview by the search committee and hiring manager. For this demo, the Hiring Manager or Assistant has logged into the Taleo System and will continue the process.
The Hiring Manager will interview Jackson. Choose Jackson from the list. Click on More Actions, then Change Step/Status.
Change the status to Schedule Interview.
Click Save and Close to return to the candidate list.
Required Steps & Statuses
Next, each final candidate must be advanced to the Hire Manager Interview step and Interview Scheduled status. Once a candidate is moved to this step and status, an automated will be sent to the candidate asking them to log into the UT Jobs/Taleo System and complete the necessary forms consenting for the university to complete a background check. Note: The background check will only be completed on the individual selected for hire. The automated messages only instruct the candidate to complete the forms, the hiring department must contact them to schedule the interview.
Once an interview has been scheduled, it is time to move Jackson to the next step; Hire Manager Interview. Select Jackson. Click More Actions, then Change Step/Status.
The next status in this step is Interview Scheduled. Choose this status.
The comments section is a good place to document interview or communication information. Click Save and Close to return to the candidate list. Note: Because this step and status triggers a message to the candidate, it is recommended for the department to contact and schedule the interviews prior to initiating this automated message , ensuring that each candidate is still interested in the position.
Required Steps & Statuses
Once final interviews have been completed, the candidate selected for hire will need to be moved through one more step and status, as shown below. Note: At this point, do not reject any of the unsuccessful candidates. Jackson has been chosen by the Hiring Manager as the successful candidate. To change his status, select Jackson. Click More Actions, then Change Step/Status.
From the drop-down list, choose Ready for Offer/Bkgrnd Chk.
Click Save and Continue to move Jackson to the Offer step.
Notice that the status is pre-populated to Offer to be Made.
To accept the new step and status, click Save and Close.
Job Offer Before a Job Offer can be made to the candidate, the proposed offer MUST be approved. The approval is initiated in the Taleo System and completed in IRIS. The Hiring Department will start the process by providing job offer information in Taleo as shown among the next few slides.
Continuing with our demo, we will begin the job offer process for Jackson. The process will be somewhat different from changing a step or status. To begin the submission of the job offer request, click on the successful candidate’s name to access his/her Candidate Record.
Making sure you are in the Job Submission tab, click More Actions, then Create Offer.
You will be presented a job offer worksheet
You will be presented a job offer worksheet. Note: Contact Melanie Sadler/ext.4221 for assistance with completing the worksheet as some fields require very specific choices. When you have completed the appropriate fields, click the Save and Close button. It is permissible to enter information that is different than what is provided from the requisition.
You will be presented a summary of your job offer request
You will be presented a summary of your job offer request. From the summary screen, click More Actions, then Request Approval.
You will be presented a screen to assign a Recruiter to the next task so he/she can access the request in IRIS. To identify the Recruiter, type his/her name (Melanie Sadler) in the Name field and click the Refresh button.
Click the Select button to assign your recruiter to the approval process.
Enter comments about the job offer here
Enter comments about the job offer here. You can simply state that you are submitting a request if specific information is not needed. Note that this field is required. Click Done to end the Taleo portion of the Job Offer Request.
Remember to Sign Out. The job offer approval will be processed through IRIS. The person authorized in IRIS for the account paying the salary will be part of the approval path. After full approval for the job offer has been received, Melanie Sadler will work with you regarding extending the official job offer to the candidate , scheduling intake (first day of employment), and orientation.
Rejecting Unsuccessful Candidates
Once the successful candidate job offer has been approved, extended, and accepted, the hiring department must now reject the remaining unsuccessful candidates to complete the UT Jobs/Taleo process for a requisition. You can enter individual applicant profiles by clicking directly on their name or click the box next to the applicants name to select that individual. Next, click More Actions (as previously done when changing steps and statuses), and then choose Reject Candidate.
If the action to be taken is to reject the applicant, click on Reject Candidate. Note: This view is within the applicant’s profile.
At the time you reject an applicant, you must give the reason for rejection. Scroll to see the entire list of rejection reasons. Note: Each rejected applicant will receive an automated notification.
Check the appropriate reason for rejecting applicant.
Click Save and Close. HINT: You may reject multiple applicants at the same time ONLY if the reject reason is the same for all selected applicants.
If at anytime during the hiring process, a candidate indicates he/she is no longer interested in the position, you may indicate so by changing the status to Has Declined.
You will be presented a set of reasons why a candidate may no longer be interested. Please choose a reason by checking the box next to the reason. Click Save and Close to return to the candidate list.
Congratulations! Once all unsuccessful applicants have been rejected, you have completed the hiring process in the UT Jobs/Taleo System!
Appendix A Steps and Statuses
Appendix A: Steps and Statuses - 1
Completed By New/Recruiter Review To be Evaluated Default Status Waiting for Additional Info Recruiter Under Consideration Conduct Pre-screening Selected* Rejected Has Declined *Indicates candidate may be moved to next step.
Appendix A: Steps and Statuses - 2
Completed By Search Committee Review To be Evaluated Default Status Waiting for Response Search Committee Hiring Asst or Mgr Secondary Pool for OED Approval Primary Pool for OED Approval Secondary Pool Approved by OED* Affirmative Action Officer Primary Pool Approved by OED* Rejected Has Declined *Indicates candidate may be moved to next step.
Appendix A: Steps and Statuses – 3
Completed By Hiring Manager Review To be Reviewed Default Status Waiting for Additional Info Hiring Asst or Mgr Under Consideration Schedule Interview* Rejected Has Declined *Indicates candidate may be moved to next step.
Appendix A: Steps and Statuses - 4
Completed By Hire Manager Interview Interviewed Scheduled Default Status Waiting for Response Hiring Asst or Mgr Under Consideration Ready for Offer/Bkgrnd Check* Rejected Has Declined *Indicates candidate may be moved to next step.
Appendix A: Steps and Statuses - 5
Completed By Offer Offer to be Made Default Status Rejected Recruiter Has Declined Draft Canceled Approval in Process Approval Rejected Approved Extended Rescinded In Negotiation Refused Accepted* Reneged *Indicates candidate may be moved to next step.
Appendix B Helpful Hints
Appendix B: Helpful Hints
If you are using IE9 as your web browser, you will need to put your browser in “Compatibility Mode”. You may need to add as a trusted site. Any field with a red asterisk (*) is a required field. Only “Regular” and “Term” faculty and staff are considered internal applicants. Friends and Student employees are considered external applicants.
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