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CSEPs Reconciliation Proposals

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1 CSEPs Reconciliation Proposals
Presenter: Steve Nunnington

2 Background IGTs responsible in NExA for passing Rec data to xoserve so that CSEP Rec charges can be calculated. Rec should occur on every I&C NDM LMN. Volumes required not meter readings. LMNs used within Gemini. Commodity billed against LMN Only 6 LMNs have been reconciled in year. Total LMN population 4096 (NDM I&C) Leaves a pool of unreconciled energy.

3 Issues IGTs state they don’t get meter reads from shippers.
Shippers claim that IGTs are not processing reads provided. Volumes submitted by IGTs are failing validation by xoserve. File format difficulties. Not included within Annexe A of NExA. Industry agreement that Rec does not occur where there is a previous unreconciled period. No commercial incentive for IGTs to submit Rec data.

4 Impacts Unspecified amount of unreconciled gas within the LDZs.
RBD shippers bear this unspecific risk. If meter reads are unavailable to IGTs then AQ calculations may not be robust. Uncertainty, frustration and a lack of trust within the industry.

5 Historical Issues Missing Rec Periods
There are a number of sites where Rec was not undertaken in the early days of competition. This may go back as far as 1996. May be that an opening read was not obtained or the data failed validation and not resubmitted. This means that there is a period of time in the past when the site in question is not reconciled. Where more recent consumption is identified the Rec cannot take place as the current rules do not permit unreconciled periods to exist. Custom and practise. Not a NExA or a UNC rule. Ofgem sponsored group has discussed this and recommends that reconciliation with prior missing Rec periods is permitted. However need to look at a solution that solves missing Rec periods.

6 Historical Issues Estimated Readings
Unrealistic to expect shipper or IGT to provide a read which could be as much as 11 years old. Ofgem group recommends a neutral Rec for these periods. Should be based on an extrapolation of the prevailing AQ value. IGTs responsibility to provide these estimates. A methodology is set out in UNC M3.6 (Opening Read Estimate.) IGTs should be encouraged to submit metered volumes. As such this methodology should only be used prior to 2006. More recent periods should contain actual volumes.

7 Maintenance of the CSEP Rec Regime
Once the issue of missing Rec periods is addressed we need to make sure the regime is self sustaining. Must Reads Where a shipper fails to obtain a reading at a given site within a set period of time, the transporter picks up the responsibility within its Must Read responsibility. These periods and frequencies are set out within Section M 3.4 & 3.5 of DNOs UNC. Must Read responsibility is to be found in M 3.6. For IGTs this Must Read responsibility can be found in their UNC Part E section 5. IGTs should therefore conform to their contractual obligations under the UNC. IGTs could levy a cost reflective charge.

8 Maintenance of the CSEP Rec Regime
Opening Reads Shippers have a responsibility to obtain an opening read as set out in Section M 3.8 of UNC. Where a shipper fails to obtain an opening read. It is equally clear that the DNO has responsibility to provide an opening read estimate. IGTs have exactly the same responsibility in their UNC within Annexe 6 Part E Clause 6.8. For this function IGTs allowed to levy a cost reflective charge. It is unclear whether IGTs are currently operating this regime. File Formats CRI file published on UK Link web site. IGTs not users of UK Link. Thus this may be inappropriate. Xoserve to publish all SPA, AQ Review and CSEPs Rec files in UK Link standard file formats. DNOs to raise code modifications to include these file formats in Annexe A. of the CSEP NExA.

9 The Way Forward Ofgem NExA group has approved these proposals.
Presentations to:- BOF Distribution Workstream Initial phase will look at solving the historical issues. xoserve to engage with IGTs to put in place neutral Rec proposals for 1 October 2007. Neutral Rec will be presented to shippers by IGTs before submission to xoserve. If shipper is unhappy with any Neutral Rec then he can supply a meter reading to IGT as an alternative. DNOs to raise code modifications to include file formats in Annexe A. of the CSEP NExA.

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