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Choosing Elders Who chooses & appoints elders? Important observation -

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2 Choosing Elders Who chooses & appoints elders? Important observation -
The Bible does not specifically set for a precise logistical method of choosing and appointing elders.

3 Choosing Elders Who chooses & appoints elders?
Distinction in “choosing” and “appointing”. Choosing - picking out men who are believed to be qualified. Appointing - formal designation of men chosen.

4 Choosing Elders Who chooses & appoints elders?
Distinction in “choosing” and “appointing”. “The term ‘appoint’ is sometimes understood as including selection, but in the style of the apostles it means merely induction into office and is distinguished from the selection which precedes it.” —J.W. McGarvey, The Eldership, p

5 Choosing Elders Who chooses & appoints elders?
Three main positions on choosing: The preacher. The existing elders. The members of the local church. Strongest case - congregational participation.

6 Choosing Elders Who chooses & appoints elders? Who appoints?
1st century - apostles and/or evangelists. No living apostles today. The preacher, or someone who is in the public’s eye.

7 Choosing Elders What process should be used?
The NT does not reveal any inspired process.




11 Choosing Elders Three critical Biblical principles:
Let all things be done decently and in order. Let all things be done with love. Let all things be done with a view of preserving the unity and peace of the local church.

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