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Morristown-Hamblen Air Force JROTC TN-20182

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Presentation on theme: "Morristown-Hamblen Air Force JROTC TN-20182"— Presentation transcript:

1 Morristown-Hamblen Air Force JROTC TN-20182

2 Basics of Public Speaking

3 Lesson Overview Audience Nerves Body Language Communication
Know your subject Intro, body, conclusion Feedback… adapt Other

4 Know your Audience Understand your audience
Speak their language… professionally. Don’t talk over their heads Dress equal or one level up to audience

5 Nerves Harness your nerves Use butterflies to help you focus
Practice will help calm the nerves and breeds confidence!

6 Radiate positive energy Don’t turn your back to audience
Body Language  Face the audience Radiate positive energy Don’t turn your back to audience Don’t lean on podium Avoid hiding behind podium Eye Contact Critical Ensure left to right eye contact

7 Communication Avoid Filler words… “aaahh”, “er”, “like”, “okay”….
Talking with hands OK… with limitations Hand Salute Says “I greet you” Signals recognition and respect Sloppy salute shows lack of confidence or respect

8 Know your Subject Ensure you know your subject Do adequate research
Practice…. Practice…. Practice… Posture matters

9 Intro, Body, Conclusion Clear Introduction –
What are you going to talk about? Body Typically three main points… Conclusion Summary of what was discussed Clear transitions (first, second, in conclusion)

10 Feedback Pay attention to feedback
Pay attention to feedback If you are losing the audience… adjust Adapt to your surroundings…

11 Other Sprinkle in a little humor Smooth transitions
Props can help… or hurt Landing the plane Don’t ramble on… stick the landing! Frame your thoughts well!

12 Chapter 3, Lesson 2

13 Chapter 3, Lesson 2

14 Chapter 3, Lesson 2

15 Chapter 3, Lesson 2

16 Chapter 3, Lesson 2

17 Chapter 3, Lesson 2

18 Chapter 3, Lesson 2

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