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Troy University eTROY Colloquium April 17-18, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Troy University eTROY Colloquium April 17-18, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Troy University eTROY Colloquium April 17-18, 2012

2 Pamela T. Dunning Pamela A. Gibson

3 Provide the principles of the Quality Matters approach to course design Provide tips for developing syllabi and incorporating Blackboard tools to help link course learning objectives with Learner engagement Instructional materials Technology Assessment & measurements

4 A faculty centered, peer review process Designed to certify course quality with specific attention to online components

5 Troy became a QM consortium member in Fall 2008 24 Troy faculty have completed the QM Peer Reviewer Certification course 65 have completed Troy University training and conducted reviews As of July 2011, 420+ course, covering over 50% of all discipline areas within the five colleges, have been reviewed 80% successfully met the 85% standard

6 Two training modules The Exemplary eCourse module introduces instructors to Best Practices in online course design and delivery Intro to QM is a separate self-directed Bb training module with information on Quality Matters principles


8 Peer Course Review Feedback Course Course Meets Quality Expectations Course Revision Instructional Designers Institutions Faculty Course Developers National Standards & Research Literature Rubric Faculty Reviewers Training Quality Matters: Peer Course Review Process

9 The Rubric Eight General Standards: 1.Course Overview and Introduction 2.Learning Objectives 3.Assessment and Measurement 4.Instructional Materials 5.Learner Engagement &Interaction 6.Course Technology 7.Learner Support 8.Accessibility Key components must align

10 Alignment: Critical course elements work together to ensure that students achieve the desired learning outcomes Stated Course Objectives – Activities – Assessments – are consistent with one another

11 Course Learning Objectives (2) Instructional Materials (4) & Technology (6) Assessment and Measurement (3) Learner Engagement & Interaction (5) Key sections that must align…

12 Standards used in both on-line and hybrid classes Following are examples of the general standards that pertain to alignment and ways to incorporate them in your course (2011-2013 Rubric)

13 Are clearly stated Use of a course design matrix that ties together stated learning objectives to specific content, strategy to achieve them & assessment of success Should include unit-level learning objectives Include instruction as to how to meet the objectives


15 Course ObjectiveModuleContentStrategyAssessment 1 Identify the major functions of the budgetary process and major actors at each phase of that process. Weeks 1 through 7 Course notes Assigned readings Assigned cases Discussion board Case analysis Graded discussion forums Case study Quiz Exam 2 Describe the relationship of public budgeting to public policy decision making, implementation, and evaluation. Weeks 1, 2, 5, 7 & 8 Budget Hero simulation Course notes Assigned readings Discussion board Simulation analysis Graded discussion forums Case study Quiz Exam 3 Describe the efforts to integrate planning and programming with the budget process. Week 4 Course notes Assigned readings Assigned case Discussion board Case analysis Graded discussion forums Quiz Case study 4 Articulate an understanding of: program analysis, PPBS, zero based budgeting, incremental budgeting. Weeks 4 & 7 Course notes Assigned readings Assigned case Discussion board Case analysis Graded discussion forums Quiz Exam PA 6650 Course Design Matrix

16 Engaging students to become active learners Ideally should include Faculty to student Self-introduction, discussion postings and responses, feedback on project assignments, e-mail communication Student to content Essays, term papers, group projects, etc. based on readings, videos, and other course content; self assessment exercises; group work products Student to student (if applicable) Group discussion board Blogs, wikis Presentations

17 Clear standards for: Instructor response and availability How to contact When to contact Response time – 24-48 hours Weekly submission times for discussion board postings Quantity Quality Examples

18 Materials that support course objectives Use of different types of accessible media Textbooks Lecture notes/outlines Wimba/Collaborate/Blackboard IM PowerPoint Video NBC Learn, TED, You Tube, etc. Websites Identified as background information, additional personal enrichment, or required for an assignment

19 Facilitates student learning & not difficult to learn to use Technology should enhance rather than be the end product Be easily accessible Downloadable, instructions provided Course tools & Student Resource Tab (educational technology)

20 Implemented to allow instructors to measure student learning and allow students to measure their own learning Use of multiple assessment and feedback mechanisms Discussion board Draft assignments Email feedback Quick Comments function in Grade Center

21 Options for students to measure their own learning process Writing assignments that allow for submission of a draft for instructor comment & suggestions for improvement Interactive games/simulations with built-in feedback Self-scoring practice quizzes Peer reviews Turnitin

22 Although not part of alignment, but a QM standard and a critical element in creating a conducive learning environment for students Clear instructions to make navigating the course easy for students Use of Start Here button Instructor and student introduction Identification of course and technology requirements Syllabus or Bb menu item


24 Course learning objectives describe measurable outcomes but are not useful unless students engage with learning activities, materials & other resources to help them achieve those objectives Alignment of these areas will provide students with the tools they need to succeed

25 For more information about Quality Matters: For more information on eTROYs Quality Assurance program: Dr. Deb Fortune (

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