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Viking Quests Literacy Numeracy History Science Music WOW Days

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Presentation on theme: "Viking Quests Literacy Numeracy History Science Music WOW Days"— Presentation transcript:

1 Viking Quests Literacy Numeracy History Science Music WOW Days
Myths and Legends Explore Viking myths and legends Write their own myths and adventure stories Non-chronological reports Recounts Numeracy Discrete work using White Rose Hub Links with topic made where possible History Who were the Vikings? Researching about Viking warriors Viking way of life Home and fashion Jobs and trade Science Exploring rocks and fossils Link with Computing to film a report Viking Quests DT Viking Longboats What made the Viking Longboat a good mode of transport? How did they construct the Longboat? Design and make their own Viking Longboat Music Composing music based on water / battle WOW Days Y4 to work with an author Trip to the Merlin theatre linked with the author visit Viking Day E-Safety Day Computing E-safety Programming and Multi-media Presentation skills Making a film Handling data P.E Games Dance Gymnastics RE What can we learn from the life and teaching of Jesus?

2 Viking Quests Topic Drivers
As learners interested in History we will:- Be finding out about the Vikings – where they came from, where they invaded and settled and why they left Scandinavia Be learning about the beliefs and weapons of Viking warriors and about famous Viking leaders and explorers Learn about Viking ways of life Learn about Viking traders and their routes and the goods they traded Learn about the beliefs of Vikings As learners interested in DT we will:- Research the design of Viking Long ships Explore what made the Viking Long ship a good form of transport Explore how to make a structure stronger Design and make their own Viking Long ship Evaluate the product As learners interested in Literacy we will:- Read a range of myths and legends including those connected to Viking mythology Explore the genre of myths and adventure stories Write our own Viking adventure stories

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