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13:24 What killed the man of God on the road?

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Presentation on theme: "13:24 What killed the man of God on the road?"— Presentation transcript:

1 13:24 What killed the man of God on the road?
#1 13:24 What killed the man of God on the road? A. A lion B. The sword of Joab C. He was crushed by a rock. Round 1

2 A. The king of Israel B. Ahab C. Jeroboam’s wife
#2 14:2-3 Who traveled to Shiloh in disguise? A. The king of Israel B. Ahab C. Jeroboam’s wife Round 1

3 21:29 Why was calamity not brought on Ahab in his days?
#3 21:29 Why was calamity not brought on Ahab in his days? A. He broke their swords He caused the soldiers to dessert C. He humbled himself before the LORD Round 1

4 5:11 Who was given food for his household year by year?
#4 5:11 Who was given food for his household year by year? A. Solomon B. Hiram C. Ahab Round 1

5 A. The inhabitants of Philistia
#5 5: When Solomon prayed, he mentioned the promise of the LORD to___ A. The inhabitants of Philistia B. The inhabitants of Moab C. David Round 1

6 17:11 Elijah asked the widow for ___
#6 17:11 Elijah asked the widow for ___ A. A little water in a cup B. A small cake C. A morsel of bread Round 1

7 3:13 What did the LORD give to Solomon that he had NOT requested.
#7 3:13 What did the LORD give to Solomon that he had NOT requested. A. A long life B wives and 300 concubines C. Riches and honor Round 1

8 #8 16:30 Who was the son of Omri who reigned over Israel in Samaria 22 years? A. Tibni B. Ahaziah Ahab Round 1

9 1:11 Who spoke to Bathsheba concerning Adonijah becoming king?
#9 1:11 Who spoke to Bathsheba concerning Adonijah becoming king? A. Nathan B. Adonijah C. Solomon Round 1

10 #10 20:23 The servants of the king of Syria said their (Israel) gods were gods of __ A. straw B. heaven C. The hills Round 1

11 11:29 When Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem, he met _____
#11 11:29 When Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem, he met _____ A. A lion B. Nebat C. Ahijah the Shilonite Round 1

12 18:30-31 What was repaired using 12 stones?
#12 18: What was repaired using 12 stones? A. The altar of the LORD B. The Millo C. Broken steps leading to the throne Round 1

13 19:8 How long did Elijah travel to Horeb, the mountain of God?
#13 19:8 How long did Elijah travel to Horeb, the mountain of God? A. A fortnight B days and 40 nights C. 6 days Round 1

14 4:31 Solomon was wiser than ____
#14 4:31 Solomon was wiser than ____ A. A 5th grader Ethan and the sons of Mahol C. Kevin Daugherty Round 1

15 #15 9:2 When the LORD appeared to Solomon after he finished the temple, what appearance was it? The second time B. The first time C. The last time Round 1

16 A. Ben-Hadad’s daughter as his wife.
#16 15:19 What did Asa want from Ben-Hadad the son of Tabrimmon, the son of Hezion, king of Syria? A. Ben-Hadad’s daughter as his wife. B. Cedar and cypress logs C. A treaty Round 1

17 In his own house in the wilderness
#17 2:34 Where was Joab buried? A. In the city of David B. In a cave In his own house in the wilderness Round 1

18 6:7 Where were the stones for the temple finished?
#18 6:7 Where were the stones for the temple finished? A. At the quarry B. In the stone mason’s yard C. By the riverside Round 1

19 7:1 What took Solomon 13 years to build?
#19 7:1 What took Solomon 13 years to build? A. The house for Pharaoh’s daughter B. The House of the LORD His own house Round 1

20 #20 10:17 How many shields of hammered gold were made using 3 minas of gold each? A B C Round 1

21 12:6 After the people departed, King Rehoboam consulted ___
#21 12:6 After the people departed, King Rehoboam consulted ___ A. Nathan the prophet B. The young men with whom he had grown up C. The elders Round 1

22 22:124 Who struck Micaiah on the cheek?
#22 22:124 Who struck Micaiah on the cheek? A. Amon B. Ahab C. Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah Round 1

23 13:14 The old prophet found the man of God sitting ___
#23 13:14 The old prophet found the man of God sitting ___ A. Under an almug B. Under an oak C. Under a broom tree Round 1

24 18:32 The trench around the altar was large enough to hold ____
#24 18:32 The trench around the altar was large enough to hold ____ Two seahs of seed B. Four water pots of water C. Four water pots of water three times Round 1

25 #25 6:1 In what year of his reign did Solomon begin building the house of the LORD? A. Fourth B. First C. Fifth Round 1

26 More questions Sunday!

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