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CEF e-Invoicing Readiness Checker

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Presentation on theme: "CEF e-Invoicing Readiness Checker"— Presentation transcript:

1 CEF e-Invoicing Readiness Checker
Introduction to the tool

2 eInvoicing readiness checker
Goal Facilitate and accelerate compliance with the EU Directive (Self-Assessment tool, Country Sheets, profile pages for public entities and solution & service providers to share and promote their eInvoicing experiences) Approach Two main target user groups (although it is a public website) A web-based resource to help public entities and solution & service providers to prepare for compliance with the directive. This resource includes: ·         An eInvoicing maturity self-assessment tool for public entities ·         Country Sheets (Based on the State of play of B2G eInvoicing in public procurement work (above)) ·         Profile pages available for public entities and solution & service providers to share and promote their eInvoicing experiences Public Entities indicate their situation and needs Solution & Service Providers document their capabilities

3 eInvoicing readiness checker timeline
September October November December January UAT 14/09 5/10 14/10 14/11 25/11 1/12 19/12 TBD TBD UAT Content review and country profile upload Workshop with early adopters Release 1.1 Release 1.2 Workshop Pilot phase 2: deadline for comments Official launch of the website Webinar with early adopters Pilot phase 2 Infrastructure migration and URL

4 more than 40 improvements
A taste of what is to come Self-assessment Redesigned homepage and … more than 40 improvements taking into account the feedback of the pilot phase 1. Presented to you in the pilot phase 2.

5 eInvoicing readiness checker phase 2 (25 November – 19 December)
Functional objectives: Dry run before going live Ensure that the self-assessment is fit for purpose Fine tune the functionalities Content objectives: Identify & on-board more early adopters Allow public entities to upload success stories and lessons learned Allow Members States to review their country sheets

6 We want the eInvoicing readiness checker to be useful and meaningful for you, and for that we need your feedback! Let’s look what we have now…

7 What are the benefits of the eInvoicing readiness checker?
Tools Public Entities Solution & Service Providers Self-Assessment Tool Profile pages Success Stories Lessons Learned Country Sheets

8 A platform for sharing One of the goals of the website Content can be shared through social networks Twitter Facebook LinkedIn There is a space for discussion/talking on content (comments) Other tools of interaction

9 Why is it useful for Public Entities?

10 What can you expect for Public Entities? (I)
Self-Assessment tool: Dynamic questionnaire form; Assess and improve the handling of electronic invoicing by Public Entities; Organized by categories; Navigable; and Self-guided.

11 What can you expect for Public Entities? (II)
Self-Assessment Results Recommendations Based on the answers provided; and Aim to help Public Entities to establish their levels of maturity regarding eInvoicing. Policy Frameworks that are suitable, matched by: Country; Sector; and Geographical Coverage.

12 What can you expect for Public Entities? (III)
Public Entities’ profile pages Show all the information about the Public Entities But with privacy levels Configurable by Public Entities’ users Can be managed by different users Invitation system Request to join system Contact Form for Solution & Service Providers Can be deactivated

13 What can you expect for Public Entities? (IV)
Public Entities’ Directory List of the Public Entities registered on the eInvoicing Readiness checker Respects the privacy levels configured on the profiles Allows for text search Has filters based on the metadata

14 What can you expect for Public Entities? (V)
Success Stories Can be created by users from Public Entities Allows you to promote your successful implementation May involve one or several Solution & Service Providers Covering one or more capabilities Will appear on: Homepage Country sheet of the relevant country Public Entity profile page Involved Solution & Service Provider profile page

15 What can you expect for Public Entities? (VI)
Lessons Learned Share experiences about what worked and what did not Open to both Public Entities and Solution & Service Providers Related to relevant capabilities Will appear on: Homepage Country sheet of the relevant country Public Entity profile page

16 And what about Solution & Service Providers?

17 What can you expect for Solution & Service Providers? (I)
Solution & Service Providers’ profiles pages Show all the information about Solution & Service Providers Configurable by Solution & Service Provider users Can be managed by different users Invitation system Request to join system Contact Form for Public Entities Shows Success Stories where they have been involved

18 What can you expect for Solution & Service Providers? (II)
Solution & Service Providers’ Directory List of the Solution & Service Providers with profile pages Allows for text search Has filters based on the metadata

19 What can you expect for Solution & Service Providers? (III)
Country sheets 13 individual country sheets provide an overview of the status of eInvoicing in each of these countries. Map for a quick overview With different coloring depending on the maturity List of countries with links to their sheets.

20 What can you expect for Solution & Service Providers? (IV)
Country sheets A quick glance on the status of the implementation of electronic invoicing on different European countries. Organisation(s) responsible for eInvoicing eInvoicing legislation, standards & available platforms Information on the different Policy Frameworks implemented

21 Enough talk, let’s play! URL:
Note: The current data on Readiness checker is considered not final, as it is for play during the pilot phase.

22 Feedback and Q&A

23 Questions about the platform
User experience Was it difficult for you to understand what you needed to do? Were the forms easy to use? Did you get lost at some point? Look & Feel Is the information clear enough? Is it easy for you to read the information? (on a profile page, success story, lesson learned…) Is the site nice to look at? Other questions Do you miss something? Do you think something shouldn’t be there?

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