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(Towards) First Physics with LHCb
Physics at LHC 2008 Split, Croatia, 29 Sep - 4 Oct 2008 Beam induced “splash” in LHCb Introduction Detector overview and performance Extracting physics from (very) first data presented by Andreas Schopper (CERN) on behalf of the Collaboration
LHCb is a heavy flavour precision experiment searching for new physics in CP-Violation and Rare Decays New Physics models introduce new particles, dynamics and/or symmetries at a higher energy scale (expected in the TeV region) with virtual particles that appear e.g. in loop mediated processes ? New Physics Box diagram Penguin diagram B-physics measurements probe New Physics and are complementary to direct searches will allow to understand the nature and flavour structure of possible New Physics Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Search for New Physics are New physics already around the corner?
LHCb key measurements In CP–violation: Bs-Bs mixing angle s weak phase in trees weak phase in loops In Rare Decays: branching ratio of Bs forward-backward asymmetry in B K* polarization of photon in radiative penguin decays CDF Public Note 9458 (August 2008) see talks by Andrei Golutvin, Alessia Satta, Val Gibson, William Robert Reece and poster by Lesya Shchutska and Bogdan Popovici (s=-2βs) SM consistency at 7% level Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
B production in LHCb bb pair production correlated and sharply peaked forward-backward Single-arm forward spectrometer : θ~ mrad (rapidity range: 4.9>η>1.9) Cross section of bb production in LHCb acceptance: σbb ~ 230 µb B+ (40%), B0 (40%), Bs (10%), b-baryons (10%), Bc (< 0.1%) LHCb limits luminosity to few 1032 cm-2s-1 instead of 1034 cm-2s by not focusing the beam as much as ATLAS and CMS maximizes probability of a single interaction per crossing design luminosity soon after start-up pp interactions/crossing LHCb n=0 n=1 boost collect 2fb-1 per nominal year ~ bb pairs produced per year Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Detector overview and performance
walk through the detector with the example of a Bs→DsK decay Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
B-Vertex Measurement Example: Bs → Ds K d~1cm s(t) ~40 fs 144 mm 47 mm
d~1cm 47 mm 144 mm 440 mm Primary vertex Decay time resolution = 40 fs s(t) ~40 fs Example: Bs → Ds K Vertex Locator (Velo) Silicon strip detector with ~ 5 mm hit resolution 30 mm IP resolution Vertexing: trigger on impact parameter measurement of decay distance (time) Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Momentum and Mass measurement
Momentum meas. + direction (VELO): Mass resolution for background suppression btag Bs K K p+, K Ds Primary vertex Bs→ Ds K Bs →Ds p Mass resolution s ~14 MeV Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Particle Identification
RICH: K/p identification using Cherenkov light emission angle btag Bs K K ,K Ds Primary vertex Bs → Ds K KK : ± 0.06% pK : 3.94 ± 0.02% RICH1: 5 cm aerogel n=1.03 4 m3 C4F10 n=1.0014 RICH2: m3 CF4 n=1.0005 Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Particle identification and L0 trigger
h ECAL (inner modules): σ(E)/E ~ 8.2% /√E + 0.9% btag Bs K K Ds Primary vertex Calorimeter system : Identify electrons, hadrons, π0 ,γ Level 0 trigger: high ET electron and hadron Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Particle identification and L0 trigger
m Muon system: Level 0 trigger: High Pt muons contributing to flavour tagging: eD2 = e (1-2w)2 6% btag Bs K K Ds Primary vertex Physics at LHC 2008 Split, 2 October 2008
LHCb trigger btag L0 efficiency (%) Detector 40 MHz
HLT: high IP, high pT tracks [CPU farm] then full reconstruction of event 40 MHz 1 MHz 2 kHz L0: high pT (m, e, g, h) [hardware, 4 ms] Storage (event size ~ 35 kB) Detector Note: decay time dependent efficiency: eg. Bs → Ds K Efficiency HLT rate Event type Physics 200 Hz Exclusive B candidates B (core program) 600 Hz High mass di-muons J/, bJ/X (unbiased) 300 Hz D* candidates Charm (mixing & CPV) 900 Hz Inclusive b (e.g. bm) B (data mining) btag Bs K K Ds Primary vertex Proper time [ps] Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008 11
Status of LHCb ( see talk by Olivier Callot)
LHCb detector fully installed and commissioned (except M1), including L0 trigger All sub-detectors have undergone the first time and space alignment with cosmics & LHC beam induced particles Top view Muon Calo Events with LHC beam induced particles OT Side view Splashy event from lost particles (not all tracks reconstructed...) Calo OT Clean event from halo muons Split, 2 October 2008 Muon Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008 12
Extracting physics from (very) first data
Exploit minimum bias data 108 minimum 2kHz S= σmb σ∙ε ∙Nmb Number of selected signal events: Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Exploiting minimum bias data
~ cm-2 s-1 ~50k Λ→pπ events in 108 minimum bias events Λ→pπ plenty of Ksππ and Λ→pπ 95% purity with kinematical and vertex cuts only clean & unbiased sample for PID studies study hadron identification performance collect 1400 J/ use triggered J/ψ data with pt-cut on single muon second muon unbiased for PID studies study muon identification performance search for DKπ, Kπππ, K0Sππ, Kππ0 assess background levels, resolutions & relative efficiencies demonstrate capability to reconstruct first final states Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Exploiting first muon trigger data
applying J/ψ trigger with pt-cut on single muon expect ~106 J/ with 1 pb-1 PV + - dz Reconstruct J/ and disentangle fraction of prompt and detached J/’s discriminating variable: Measure prompt J/ and bb cross section in a region not accessible to other collider experiments study proper time resolution with prompt component Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Exploiting ~5 pb-1 of data with full trigger
(~days of data taking) 23k B0 D* tagging studies with flavour specific modes 3.2k B+J/K+ selection does not require lifetime cut unbiased lifetime distribution to determine resolution 4.3k B0 D-(K- π+π-) π + measure B0 lifetime reach current precision (0.009 ps) with 60k events Oscillation plot with pb-1 of B0 D* A(t) trec-ttrue(fs) s(t) ~34 fs B0 D-(K- π+π-) π + 13 min. running ~0.2 pb-1 Select first 285 BsJ/ B K*γ Invariant mass of BsJ/() σ(Bs)=13 MeV 3.7k B K*γ reference channel for all radiative loop decays 2.3k BJ/K* exercise fit machinery for analysis of BsJ/ Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Exploiting ~0.5 fb-1 of data with full trigger
(1/4 of a nominal year) measure Bs-Bs mixing phase s in BsJ/(µµ) Sensitive to New Physics effects in mixing s = s(SM) + s(NP) +NP? ηf = +, - 1 CP eigenstates Θtr= angle between l+ and normal to decay plane in SM: s = – 2βs = –arg(Vts2) ~ –0.04 J/ is not a pure CP eigenstate (2 CP even, 1 CP odd amplitude) need to fit angular distributions of decay final states as function of proper time with 28’500 reconstructed BsJ/(µµ) signal events (before tagging) stat(s)~0.06 with 0.5 fb-1 Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Exploiting ~0.5 fb-1 of data with full trigger
(1/4 of a nominal year) measure BR of rare decay Bs +– Very rare loop decay, sensitive to New Physics BR ~ 3.510–9 in SM, can be strongly enhanced in SUSY Main issue is background rejection: dominated by B+X, B-X decays good mass resolution and PID essential LHCb expected performance: with 0.5 fb–1: exclude BR values down to SM value with 2 fb–1: 3 evidence of SM signal with 10 fb–1: > 5 observation of SM signal ? Current limit from CDF BR(Bs) < 4.710-8 MSSM Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
Conclusion LHCb is a heavy flavour precision experiment searching for New Physics in CP-violation and rare decays The experiment is ready for data taking with first collisions Very first data can be exploited to validate the expected detector performance With fraction of a 1 years nominal data set LHCb can already perform important key measurments probing New Physics Split, 2 October 2008 Physics at LHC 2008
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