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Hydrological Feature coding

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Presentation on theme: "Hydrological Feature coding"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydrological Feature coding
Take 2 By Albrecht Wirthmann, GISCO, Eurostat

2 Structure of the presentation
Review of comments Main Changes Coding structure Code segments Summary of code segments Implementation of coding

3 Comments of 4th WISE workshop
Distinction between hydrological code and Identifier Normalize code Avoid River Basin Districts as part of code (Instability, management unit) Geographic resolution of coding Bifurcations Karst phenomena

4 Main Changes Code only for hydrological features
Modified coding structure Sea Region code, commencement code, entity type list modified Additional rules for special phenomena

5 Hydrological Features codes
River (sub) basins (Main) River segments Lakes (with outlet, local depression) Coastal Waters Transitional Waters River water bodies Lake water bodies Coastal water bodies Transitional Water bodies Groundwater bodies Artificial water bodies Canals

6 Identifiers Canals River water bodies Lake water bodies
Coastal water bodies Transitional Water bodies Groundwater bodies Artificial water bodies Monitoring Stations Point, non-point sources Discharge points

7 Relationship between Hydrological Code and Identifier
Features with Identifier will be complemented with hydrological code of the area in which they are located Hydrological code as foreign key Type of Relationship depends on Resolution

8 Identifiers Follow GIS guidance: MSET#1#2…#22
MS = 2 character Member State identifier, ISO Alpha-2 country codes #1.. = an up to 22 character feature code that is unique within the Member State. Hydrological code as foreign key

9 Code segments of hydrological code
Sea Region River Basin commencement code River basin Entity Type (Conditional lake code)

10 Code Segment Sea Region
Identification of a sea region, Modified Eco Region mandatory One digit, fixed length Values 1-9

11 Code Segment Sea Region

12 Code Segment Sea Region
Final delimitation of sea regions based on Art. 3 data submission Sea region boundaries at basin or RBD boundaries Application by EC

13 Code Segment Sea Region

14 Commencement code segment
Commencement of river basin and coastal catchments Covers entire territory of Europe Unique in a sea region 3 digits, fixed length Values mandatory Application should follow Pfafstetter principles Application by EC

15 Commencement code segment

16 Code segment River Basin
Identification of major catchment Identification of the river (sub)basin Pfafstetter coding principles 1-11 digits, variable length Values mandatory Spatial Resolution 1000 km² / 4000 km² within / outside EU Introduction of certain level

17 Code segment River Basin
42 44 46 48 Sea Sub - basin 26 43 45 47 49 41 Inter basin 21 22 24 26 28 2 3 1 23 25 27 29 21

18 Code segment River Basin
462 464 466 461 463 465 467 42 44 48 Sea 43 45 47 49 41 262 264 266 261 263 265 267 22 24 28 2 3 1 Sub - basins 26x 23 25 27 29 21

19 Code segment River Basin
Lakes Connected to river network Pfafstetter code of outlet Not connected to river network Additional identifier as last part of the hydrological code Spatial Resolution: > 100 km²

20 Code segment River Basin
Connected Lakes One in- and outlet 2 3 4 5 Lake code : - 015 25 LE

21 Code segment River Basin
Connected Lakes Multiple inlets 22 23 24 26 25 27 Lake code: LE

22 Code segment River Basin
Code Lake A: LE-01 Code Lake B: LE-02 22 23 24 25 A B Lakes in local depressions

23 Code segment Lake ID Identifier of lakes in local depressions
Conditional segment for identifying lakes within a river basin Append after entity type conditional 2 digits, fixed length Values: 01-99

24 Code segment Entity Type
Identification of coded feature mandatory 2 characters, fixed size Values ..

25 Code segment Entity Type
Entity type Values BA River Basin RS River Segment RB River Segment; minor branch of bifurcation RU River Segment; underground in Karst areas LE Lake LP Perennial Lake (in Karst areas) CW Coastal Water TW Transitional Water

26 Special Phenomena Bifurcations Karst phenomena Canals

27 Special Phenomena Bifurcations
Lateral branches are coded in the same way as the other rvier features Fictitious separation at divide Code determined at confluence Minor branches assigned with special entity type value

28 Special Phenomena Bifurcations Conceptual Separation 4-015-22RS

29 Special Phenomena Karst Specific entity type values for
Rivers flowing underground Perennial lakes If underground flow not identifiable, underground part of river not mapped, RS entity type value to be used for surface part

30 Special Phenomena Canals Canalized rivers part of river system
Canals not following natural drainage Identifier Hydrological code as foreign key Split of canal when crossing river basin

31 Summary of code segments
Value type Min., Max. Length Sea Region Number 1 Commencement code segment 3 River (basin) (Pfafstetter) 1-11 Entity Type Character 2 Conditional unique string for lakes 0, 2 Maximum total length 7, 19

32 Application of coding Needs
River Network Catchment areas Sea areas Topology Connected at nodes Flow information Defined resolution International Topologically integrated

33 Application of coding Scenario 1
Application of code by EC Reported River Network not suitable CCM Issue of application of code to national datasets

34 Application of coding Scenario 2
Application of code by MS Reported River Network not suitable Use of national or IRBD datasets Issue of application of code to CCM Issue of riverbasins outside EU

35 Application of coding Scenario 3
Mixed approach Application of code by MS where suitable datasets exist Reporting of river basins and rivers with codes to be repeated Transfer of code to CCM by EC Usage of CCM for other areas Transfer of code to national data (if existing) Integration of both datasets necessary Identification of areas by RBD and basins

36 Approach Evaluation of Art. 3 deliveries (river basins)
Delineation of sea region borders by EC Identification of regions and assignment of commencement code segment Assignment of Pfafstetter code segment by MS / CA / EC by river basin Coordination, quality assurance by EC Rules for aggregation necessary? Software tools for assignment useful?

37 Questions Stick to Eco regions for the sea for Sea Region coding
Minimum size of subbasins / hydrological level

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