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Choosing Courses for Grade Nine… 1. Make a plan 2. Go online3. Print, sign, submit.

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2 Choosing Courses for Grade Nine… 1. Make a plan 2. Go online3. Print, sign, submit

3 1. 2. 3. 4.


5 Need at least four English credits to graduate, and English is required for any post-secondary destination, so choose wisely Choose the pathway that will keep the most options open, but remember those options are only there if youre successful – dont Hurry up to fail Possible to move from gr.9 applied directly to gr 10 academic, but very rare… If unsure, consider whether spending extra time building a stronger foundation of English skills would result in greater success in the long run Choosing Pathways…

6 Qualities of Pre-AP (Advanced Placement) English candidates: Strong readers and writers Self-motivated learners High achievers (or possibly under-achieving) Sponges for Learning Students are recommended by their grade eight teachers and complete a Pre-AP English Referral Form together with the student and parents Pre-AP English Referral Form Choosing Pathways…

7 Need at least two science credits to graduate If unsure about Applied vs Academic science, consider that students who are very successful (80%+) in gr. 9 Applied science may move directly to gr. 10 Academic science

8 Choosing Pathways… Need at least three math credits to graduate Its possible to take different pathways through grade 9 and 10 leading to the same destination in senior years of high school – choose the pathway that will build the strongest foundation for success in the future

9 Choosing Courses for Grade Nine… Planning sheet completed and signed? Youre ready to go online!

10 To login, follow the instructions on p. 8 of the Entering Secondary School booklet


12 Providing an email address is optional, but allows you to retrieve a forgotten password Click Course Planner to begin making your selections

13 Students entering grade nine choose six compulsory courses and two electives… Click the + sign to add a course

14 Hover over a course to see a course description. Click the + sign to select the course

15 When all courses have been selected, and when youre SURE, click the Submit button to lock in selections …students cannot make changes after selections have been submitted!

16 Pay attention to any warning messages that pop up… Read carefully and follow the instructions.

17 Choosing Courses for Grade Nine… Finished choosing courses online? The final step is to sign and submit the sign off form…

18 If the sign-off form says Draft Copy, courses have not been submitted properly

19 A properly submitted sign-off form has a bar code across the top. Both the parent and the student need to sign the form

20 Choosing Courses for Grade Nine… Your teacher will send the planning sheet and sign off sheet to St. Marys. A package will be mailed during the summer with registration information. See you in September!

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