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Herbert Hoover “Rugged Individualism” American economy can fix itself

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Presentation on theme: "Herbert Hoover “Rugged Individualism” American economy can fix itself"— Presentation transcript:

1 Herbert Hoover “Rugged Individualism” American economy can fix itself
Government will not step in to “help out the people”

2 Why Rugged Individualism -
Republican Philosophies Laissez-Faire Principles No tax increases (for programs) No deficit spending Socialist Fears After WWI, govt socialism was growing in Russia and Germany and Hoover thought that is was leading to their prolonged depression. Didn’t want to bring it hear (what is socialism?)

3 How do citizens get relief?
State and Local Govt responsible Not a FEDERAL problem Local communities can set up relief Charities should be set up Local churches, community groups, organizations can help local people

4 Hoover’s Plans - Industry Conferences
Series of meetings w/ banks, businesses, labor leaders Businesses agree to keep factories open and stop slashing wages RESULT: Many wages cut, jobs lost to try to keep businesses open

5 Hoover’s Plans - Emergency Relief and Construction Plan
Government will pay people to work Construction jobs lost from private sector $1.5 B in “Public Works” $300 M in loans to states RESULT: Gov’t can’t provide enough jobs without massive increases in spending...taxes (Hoover would not do) Little Effect (TOO LITTLE – TOO LATE)

6 Hoovervilles As millions of Americans lost their homes across the United States, they gathered together in small shacks forming new communities. What does the name of these areas help show about the feelings of many Americans?








14 American Communist Party organizes rallies
Hunger Marches American Communist Party organizes rallies Crowds began protesting across the US chanting slogans such as “Feed the hungry, tax the rich!”

15 Prices for food and dairy dropped dramatically after WWI
Farmers Angry Prices for food and dairy dropped dramatically after WWI Farmers destroyed crops to raise awareness (protest) and to cut supply to try to raise prices - Burn corn field - Dump milk on highway

16 Vets given $500 but Hoover’s reputation tainted
BONUS ARMY Over 15,000 vets march on Washington, DC to ask for early bonus from WWI ($1000 due 1945) The Senate voted down the early bonus and Hoover ordered marchers out of Washington, DC Cavalry, infantry and tanks clear camps. Shacks burned. Three dead, 54 wounded. Vets given $500 but Hoover’s reputation tainted





21 The Election of 1932 vs Hoover FDR

22 FDR Wins in a Landslide Victory
FDR = Blue States First Inaugural Address

23 FDR Reached out to the People
Fireside Chats Conversations with the American people about important events dealing with our nation

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