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U.S. History September 9 / 10, 2014 The 13 colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History September 9 / 10, 2014 The 13 colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History September 9 / 10, 2014 The 13 colonies

2 The 13 Colonies Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast historical and present maps by creating a 13 colonies map and answering questions. Purpose: To have students think about the development of colonies and their significance. Standard: 1.2 – Students will compare lifestyles in the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies according to race, class, and gender by utilizing one of the big 11 social studies skills.

3 Warm-up, notes, closure will no longer be collected.
Title Warm up Notes / Activity Closure

4 Warm-up: CNN Student News
Write down facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts. Example: The Sky = This is NOT a fact. The Sky is Blue = This IS a fact.

5 How To Take Notes Example: 13 colonies.
The 13 colonies  East North America. Protestant. English.

6 How to Take Notes Cornell Notes Style: What the teacher says. Example:
13 Colonies Charter New England Colonies Southern Colonies Middle Colonies What the student says / adds to. Example: 13 Colonies – English. Eastern North America. Charter – N.E. Colonies - S. Colonies - M. Colonies –

7 Discussion / Lecture: 13 colonies.
( a little over 100 years). Independence was a GRADUAL PROCESS. It did NOT just happen all at once. People didn’t have a sudden idea for independence from England upon landing in the Americas.

8 Assignment: 13 Colonies Map
Part 1: Color in the map and fill in the names. p. 35 Part 2: Fill in the symbols on the map and fill in the details from the questions. Alternate: You may use the larger map if it is easier. Part 3: Using p. 1192, what has changed from past to present on the map?

9 Switch maps with someone across the room.

10 Grade ‘em! Switch with a partner and grade their work.
Be professional! Check to make sure they have the information

11 Closure What made learning easy for you?
What made learning difficult for you?

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