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Resources Ch 01 sec 3.

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1 Resources Ch 01 sec 3

2 C. RESOURCES A resource is anything obtained from the environment to meet our needs and wants, there are three basic types. Perpetual: On a human time scale are continuous. Renewable: On a human time scale can be replenished rapidly (e.g. hours to several decades). Nonrenewable: On a human time scale are in fixed supply.

3 Natural resources are those in the environment or those obtained from the environment: food, water, air, shelter petroleum The Tragedy of the Commons describes the overuse or degradation of freely available resources such as ocean pollution, abuse of national parks, air pollution Regulating access to these resources is one possible way to protect them Use these resources below the estimated sustainable yields by reducing population

4 The per capita ecological footprint is the biologically productive land and water needed to supply renewable resources and absorb waste for each individual Humanity’s ecological footprint exceeds by about 39% the earth’s ecological capacity

5 Total Footprint (million hectares) and
Share of Global Ecological Capacity (%) 2,810 (25%) United States 2,160 (19%) European Union 2,050 (18%) China Figure 1.7 Natural capital use and degradation: total and per capita ecological footprints of selected countries in 2002 (left). By 2002, humanity’s average ecological footprint was about 39% higher than the earth’s ecological capacity (right). (Data from Worldwide Fund for Nature, UN Environment Programme, Global Footprint Network, Worldwatch Institute) 780 (7%) India Japan 540 (5%) Fig. 1-7a, p. 13

6 Footprint Per Person (hectares per person) 9.7 United States 4.7
European Union 1.6 China Figure 1.7 Natural capital use and degradation: total and per capita ecological footprints of selected countries in 2002 (left). By 2002, humanity’s average ecological footprint was about 39% higher than the earth’s ecological capacity (right). (Data from Worldwide Fund for Nature, UN Environment Programme, Global Footprint Network, Worldwatch Institute) 0.8 India 4.8 Japan Fig. 1-7b, p. 13

7 Earth’s Ecological Capacity
Number of Earths Humanity's Ecological Footprint Figure 1.7 Natural capital use and degradation: total and per capita ecological footprints of selected countries in 2002 (left). By 2002, humanity’s average ecological footprint was about 39% higher than the earth’s ecological capacity (right). (Data from Worldwide Fund for Nature, UN Environment Programme, Global Footprint Network, Worldwatch Institute) Year Fig. 1-7c, p. 13

8 Nonrenewable resources are those that exist in fixed quantity or stock in the earth’s crust.
The resource is economically depleted when it costs too much to obtain what is left. These sources include energy resources like oil, coal, natural gas etc.

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