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Creating a Government.

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1 Creating a Government

2 Articles of Confederation
1st governing document of U.S. (1777) Weaknesses Congress could not impose taxes Congress could not regulate trade 9 of 13 states needed to agree to pass laws Weaknesses cont. All states had to agree to amend the Articles No executive branch to enforce the laws passed by Congress No judicial branch to interpret laws passed by Congress

3 Shay’s Rebellion Economic problems Rebellion
Severe economic problems after the war Loss of trade & now that we weren’t part of the British Empire, we had to pay high customs duties Paper money issued during war not backed up by gold/silver > inflation Rebellion As states tried to collect taxes, some rioted Most famous was led by Daniel Shays They shut down debtor courts but then were crushed by Massachusetts militiamen *illustrated weaknesses of Articles

4 The Constitution Drafting the Constitution
1786 George Washington & James Madison met with others to discuss the problems with the Articles Constitutional Convention held 1787 *Madison considered Father of the Constitution

5 Large vs. Small States Virginia Plan (large state)
Gave power in national gov’t to large states Bicameral legislature Each state’s # of reps based on population New Jersey Plan (small state) Gave equal power in national gov’t to all states Unicameral legislature Each state would have an equal # of reps

6 The Great Compromise Resolution Bicameral legislature
In the lower house, each state’s # of reps is determined by population House of Reps (represents the people) In the upper house, each state has an equal # of reps Senate (represents the states)

7 Branches of Gov’t Legislative Branch (Congress) Executive Branch
(President & the depts that run the gov’t) Judicial Branch (Supreme Court & lower courts) Makes the laws Carries out the laws Interpret the laws as they relate to the Constitution

8 Checks & Balances Montesquieu’s Influence
3 branches of gov’t & checks & balances Each branch can delay or stop an action taken by one of the other branches Ensured no one branch dominated Ex. President has the power to make treaties & nominate judges but the Senate has to approve judges & can veto laws

9 Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
Position on: Federalists Anti-federalists The Constitution In favor Opposed The Articles Should be abandoned Only needed amendment Power of States Curb power of states w/ new central gov’t Power of states should be priority Need for Bill of Rights Initially saw no need Saw absence as threat to individual liberties Optimum Size of Republic Large gov’t could safeguard personal freedoms Small republic would protect individuals

10 The Federalist Papers Supported the Constitution in a series of 85 essays 3 leading contributors were James Madison, Alexander Hamilton & John Jay They offered practical arguments for a strong gov’t

11 Bill of Rights Anti-federalists agreed to Constitution with Bill of Rights 1st 10 Amendments To guarantee individual liberties

12 Activity Imagine you are a Federalist or Anti-federalist in the months after the Constitutional Convention, write a paragraph arguing for or against ratification.

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