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“This is His Church!” Matthew 16:13-18.

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Presentation on theme: "“This is His Church!” Matthew 16:13-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 “This is His Church!” Matthew 16:13-18



4 Isn’t such the case and isn’t it a good thing to use biblical terms in referring to the Body of Christ as HIS? Since this is HIS CHURCH…

5 to better understand the meaning behind this is HIS CHURCH
Purpose: to better understand the meaning behind this is HIS CHURCH

6 I What is the CHURCH? A. A Company of Learners

7 Soon after Christ began His ministry He gathered an inner circle of twelve men…


9 I What is the CHURCH? A. A Company of Learners B. A Brotherhood

10 The spirit of brotherliness amazed and charmed the world
The spirit of brotherliness amazed and charmed the world. How Christians loved one another! That same spirit amazes and attracts people today.

11 I What is the CHURCH? A. A Company of Learners B. A Brotherhood
C. The Body of Christ

12 The Church is a living body through whom Christ uses to express Himself…

13 II What is the Church’s PURPOSE
A. Popular Purposes for the Church

14 Many join the church like many get married… Far too many come to the Lord’s Church with little intentions of giving – it’s a take it place!

15 II What is the Church’s PURPOSE
A. Popular Purposes for the Church B. Her Purpose is Two-Fold

16 III What is Our ATTITUDE Toward the Church?
A. Some Are Antagonistic

17 These are the ones who never mention church without a snarl or criticism…

18 III What is Our ATTITUDE Toward the Church?
A. Some Are Antagonistic B. Some Are Indifferent

19 Those who go by rumor and hearsay… Those who know enough to be dangerous….

20 III What is Our ATTITUDE Toward the Church?
A. Some Are Antagonistic B. Some Are Indifferent C. Some Are Lukewarm

21 These are the ones who… They play church rather than be the church…

22 III What is Our ATTITUDE Toward the Church?
A. Some Are Antagonistic B. Some Are Indifferent C. Some Are Lukewarm D. Some Are Avowed Friends

23 IV What are We DOING to Build the Church?
A. He Builds Through Us B. He Builds in the Face of Opposition C. He Builds in Spite of Opposition

24 Summary and Conclusion:
…His Church is not built on these facts. It can’t be built on a preacher… or the fact that your family attended here. His Church is built on one fact: Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God!... This is not my church, it is not your church – this is the Lord’s church!... Always treat her accordingly.

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