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Climate Interactions Table of Contents

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1 Climate Interactions Table of Contents
Interactions Among Earth’s Spheres Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere Climate and Climate Regions Natural Disasters in Florida Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere Human Activities and Climate Change

2 Interactions Among Earth’s Spheres
The Earth System Earth has five spheres.

3 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere
Radiation From the Sun Energy travels to Earth as electromagnetic waves. What are the types of electromagnetic radiation in the diagram?

4 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere
Energy in the Atmosphere Some wavelengths reach Earth’s surface. Other wavelengths are completely or partially absorbed in the atmosphere.

5 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere
Use the higher percentages below to show a bar graph. Give it a title.

6 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere
Energy at Earth’s Surface Complete each sentence with a word from the Word Bank to learn what is happening to the energy at Earth's surface and in the lower atmosphere.

7 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere
Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is a natural heat-trapping process. What is the sequence of events that causes it to occur?

8 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere
Heating of Earth’s Surface The angle of the sun's rays causes temperature differences at Earth's surface. Which areas on Earth receives the most direct light from the sun, and which areas receive the least?

9 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere
The Coriolis Effect The Coriolis effect determines the direction of global winds.

10 Energy in Earth’s Atmosphere
Global Wind Belts The Coriolis effect and other factors combine to produce a pattern of wind belts and calm areas around Earth. Match the descriptions of the global winds with their location on the globe.

11 Climate and Climate Regions
Reading Climate Graphs A graph of temperature can be combined with a graph of precipitation to form a climate graph. The graphs below show climate data for Makindu, Kenya.

12 Climate and Climate Regions
Bangkok, Thailand A tropical, rainy climate.

13 Climate and Climate Regions
Orlando, Florida Nearly all of Florida lies within a temperate marine climate.

14 Climate and Climate Regions
Godthåb, Greenland Polar climates are the coldest climates. In polar climates, short, cool summers follow bitterly cold winters.

15 Climate and Climate Regions
Mexico City, Mexico The climate on the lower slopes of a mountain range is like that of the surrounding countryside. But in the highlands, or the higher slopes of mountains, temperatures are lower and precipitation increases.

16 Climate and Climate Regions
Moving Continents How has continental movement affected climate?

17 Climate and Climate Regions
Glaciers in North America The map shows the parts of North America that were covered by glaciers 18,000 years ago.

18 Climate and Climate Regions
Ice Ages and Temperature The estimated average worldwide temperature for the past 350,000 years was about 14°C. Cold glacial periods have alternated with warm interglacial periods.

19 Natural Disasters in Florida
Ben wants to know the average number of hurricanes that struck the east coast annually from 2003 through Which measure of central tendency should Ben use?

20 Natural Disasters in Florida
Hurricane Paths The east coast of the United States, including Florida, is at high risk for hurricanes.

21 Natural Disasters in Florida
Florida Disasters Natural disasters have greatly affected human life in Florida. Can you point to an area on the map that was affected by a disaster?

22 Natural Disasters in Florida
Warnings about Possible Storms What is the appropriate storm related to each sign?

23 Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere
Gases in the Air Which circle graph shows the correct percentage of gases in the atmosphere? How should each portion of the graph be labeled? What would be a good title for the graph?

24 Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere
Troposphere and Stratosphere Earth's weather occurs in the troposphere. The stratosphere contains the ozone layer.

25 Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere
Changing Temperatures The graph shows how temperatures in the atmosphere change with altitude.

26 Composition & Structure of the Atmosphere
Mesosphere and Thermosphere The mesosphere protects Earth’s surface from being hit by most meteoroids. In the thermosphere, the air is thin and you cannot feel heat.

27 Human Activities and Climate Change
Ozone Cycle Ozone in the atmosphere is constantly being created and destroyed.

28 Human Activities and Climate Change
Ozone Hole The ozone hole (shown in blue) is over Antarctica. The hole has grown over time, but its size varies seasonally and from year to year. Mario José Molina and two other scientists won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1995 for their theory that gases used in many household products help create the hole.

29 Human Activities and Climate Change
Greenhouse Effect Which word in the Word Bank completes each sentence?

30 Human Activities and Climate Change
Carbon Dioxide Levels The graph shows the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over time.

31 Human Activities and Climate Change
Sea Level Rise The satellite image shows how sea level rise could affect the eastern United States.

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