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Moving Toward SMOs: Common Pitfalls and Problems

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2 Moving Toward SMOs: Common Pitfalls and Problems
Cooptive Participation (Pseudo-Empowerment) Participative Processes are introduced without changing Bureaucratic Structure Consequences: Role Ambiguity for both Supervisors and Teams “ORGANIZATIONAL SCHIZOPHRENIA” Crisis of Responsibility Drift into Laissez-faire Decisive Leadership is Devalued

3 Moving Toward SMOs: Common Pitfalls and Problems
Totalitarian Democracy Design of Team-based (Democratic) structures using Autocratic Processes Consequences Method Incongruence “Elite Few Design the Future for the Many” Examples: Reengineering, STS Implementation and Diffusion Problems Teams implemented at operational level, but autocratic decision processes do not change

4 Mapping Our Evolutionary Journeys Toward Self-Management
Task: Examine your company’s initiatives by referring to the Structure-Process Map Describe your company’s team or redesign initiatives. What quandrants best describe your company’s efforts? What have been the strengths and weaknesses of your company’s approach/journey? What have been some of the obstacles or problems in moving toward effective self-management in your company?


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