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Welcome to Who Wants to be a Millionaire

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1 Welcome to Who Wants to be a Millionaire
50:50 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 Welcome to Who Wants to be a Millionaire 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

2 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

3 How many times per day should you brush your teeth?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 How many times per day should you brush your teeth? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: six times B: five times C: zero times D: two times

4 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

5 At what volume should you listen to music?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 At what volume should you listen to music? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: a medium level B: a loud level C: don’t listen to music D: so loud your ears ring

6 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

7 Never drink what before bed?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Never drink what before bed? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Soda B: Milk C: Water D: Juice

8 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

9 All of the following are good for your teeth accept what?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 All of the following are good for your teeth accept what? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Brushing B: Flossing C: Mouthwash D: Eating sugary food

10 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

11 If you don’t brush your teeth, you may get which of the following?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 If you don’t brush your teeth, you may get which of the following? 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Headache B: Nosebleed C: Cavity D: a Timeout

12 You’ve Reached the $1,000 Milestone! Congratulations! Congratulations!

13 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

14 15 $1 Million Washing your face with soap and water removes all of the following accept what? 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Dirt B: Oil C: Germs D: Hair

15 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

16 Wearing sunglasses protects your eyes from what kind of rays?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 Wearing sunglasses protects your eyes from what kind of rays? 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: X-rays B: Florida Sting rays C: Evil Rays D: Ultra Violet rays

17 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

18 What is pink eye? 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11
$64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: A disease B: A story book C: A movie D: An infection

19 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

20 Which activity is a good activity to do before bed?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Which activity is a good activity to do before bed? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Read a book B: Exercise C: Scream and yell D: Dance the night away

21 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

22 You should have a dental check up how often?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 You should have a dental check up how often? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Every 6 weeks B: Every 6 months C: Every 6 years D: When you’re ready

23 You’ve Reached the $32,000 Milestone! Congratulations!

24 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

25 Wearing sunscreen can help prevent which illness?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 Wearing sunscreen can help prevent which illness? 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Skin Cancer B: The flu C: Nosebleeds D: Headaches

26 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

27 15 $1 Million To prevent the spread of head lice, none of the following items should be shared accept what? 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Hats B: Combs C: Text books D: Hair bands

28 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

29 Remember to wear what during contact sports to protect your teeth?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 Remember to wear what during contact sports to protect your teeth? 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Sunglasses B: Mouth guard C: A hat D: Socks

30 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

31 How much sleep per night should an elementary student get?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 How much sleep per night should an elementary student get? 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: I don’t need sleep B: about 7 hours C: about 10 hours D: 4 hours is enough

32 15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100

33 What is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of germs?
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 What is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of germs? 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Blowing your nose B: Hand Washing D: Brushing your teeth C: Eating a healthy dinner


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