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RiskMan Incident Entry
Training Version 1.5 – 16 January 2013 – Valid for RiskMan 2012 (September) and above
Agenda Incident Register Incident Workflow Incident Entry
Grouped Incidents Auto-Save Incident Review
Incident Register Incident Register
The Incident Register allows users to record and manage all adverse events that occur in your organisation. They can include Workplace accidents Workplace hazards Client & Visitor adverse events Staff Injuries Equipment failures Security Events Environmental Issues Slide 3
Incident Entry Workflow
Staff member enters an Adverse Event
Incident Entry Process RiskMan Administrator (Quality/Risk Manager) notified of Incident. Responsible for “posting” RiskMan Database Staff member enters an Adverse Event Incident Workflow When a staff member enters an incident into RiskMan The respective RiskMan Administrator (eg. Risk/Quality Manager) will immediately have access to the incident and it will be lodged in the Incident “Inbox” listing page. This is a list of all the incidents that have occurred in your organisation In your organisation you may have more than one RiskMan Administrator who will review the incidents. The review of the incidents may be divided up by Facility Type of incidents - Clinical vs OHS In all organisations there will be at least one person who will be able to oversee all incidents that have been lodged into RiskMan It will be the responsibility of these RiskMan Administrator /s to Quality check the incident and ensure that it has been investigated and all the mandatory requirements of the incident have been completed, so that the incident can be saved into the master database ready for reporting
Staff member enters an Adverse Event
Incident Entry Process RiskMan Administrator (Quality/Risk Manager) notified of Incident. Responsible for “posting” Staff member enters an Adverse Event RiskMan Database Line Manager Notified Investigates Edits Incident Workflow At the same time the RiskMan Administrator/s have access to the incident The Line Manager/s the staff member reports to will be notified by of the incident and the incident will be the lodged in the Line Manager’s “Entered Incidents” list in RiskMan It is then the Line Manager’s responsibility to investigate the incident and enter the investigation details into the appropriate fields on the Incident Entry form Any additional comments added to the incident can be viewed & assessed by the RiskMan Administrators. In some cases the Investigation notes may also be viewable by the person who entered the incident Note: Each time an individual edits an incident a new version of the incident is created thus keeping the original version intact. These versions are called “Unposted” incidents. All versions are viewable by authorised users (those with permission to see the incident eg. The staff member who originally entered the incident)
Executives/Other Relevant Personnel Alerted
Incident Entry Process RiskMan Administrator (Quality/Risk Manager) notified of Incident. Responsible for “posting” Staff member enters an Adverse Event RiskMan Database Line Manager Notified Monitoring Investigates Edits Incident Workflow At the same time the RiskMan Administrator/s and respective Line Manager/s are notified of the incident Specific alert notifications may be sent to other personnel in the organisation based on the content of the incident An alert grants a user permission to the incident and the incident will be lodged into the user’s “Entered Incidents” list For example: Incidents of a serious nature may trigger an alert and subsequent notification to the Senior Executives and CEO Incidents involving certain Incident types eg. Infection control may trigger an alert and subsequent notification to the Infection Control Coordinator; Staff Injury may trigger an alert and subsequent notification to the OHS Manager and Return to Work Coordinator Once the incident has been reviewed by all the relevant personnel, the respective RiskMan Administrator will assess the incident and “post” it (creates the master version of the incident) making it available for reporting NOTE: Even though there can be many versions of the “unposted” incident, there is only one master or “Posted” version of that incident. The “Posted” version is the Organisation’s official version of the incident which is used in all reporting. Posted Incidents can be updated as required Executives/Other Relevant Personnel Alerted
Incident Entry Process
RiskMan Administrator (Quality/Risk Manager) notified of Incident. Responsible for “posting” Staff member enters an Adverse Event VHIMS Database Line Manager Notified Monitoring Distribution Lists Journal Alerts Personal Alerts Incident Workflow As well as the automated process of granting permission and notifying specific users of an incident, users with the appropriate permissions will also be able to manually grant users permissions to incidents using one of the following methods: Distribution Lists: There may be situations when an incident needs to be manually distributed to a user or group of users if it is felt that they need to know about the incident but in the normal chain of events are not notified of the incident. Distribution lists can also be used to communicate between RiskMan users in relation to the incident eg. A RiskMan Administrator may request a Line Manager to investigate an incident and a Line Manager may request more information from the staff member who entered the incident Journal Alerts: There may be situations where a manager wishes to assign a task/action to another RiskMan user and record the details of that task/action within the incident. A Journal is created and assigned to that user. On saving the incident a Journal Alert notification is sent to the allocated user with details of the task/action and a link to the incident. Once the Journal task/action has been completed, the allocated user can update the Journal and mark it as actioned. Reminders are sent to allocated users if they have not completed the task/action by the due date Personal Alerts: Managers can flag an incident so that any changes to the incident (except attaching, editing or deleting Journals, Documents or Associated Risks) will trigger an notification to inform the manager that there has been a modification to the incident. The Manager can nominate how long they would like the Personal Alert function to be active and turn it off at any time Executives/Other Relevant Personnel Alerted
Incident Entry
Incident Entry Incident Entry
If you are not already on the Incident Entry page, to access the Incident Entry form From the menu either select My Workspace -> New Notification -> Incident or From your Home Page click on the New Incident icon under Notifications Slide 10
Incident Entry Incident Entry form
Fields that are shaded in YELLOW must be completed before you save the incident Fields that are shaded grey are read only fields – for information purposes only Tool Tips are available on some fields when you place your cursor in the field Additional information pertaining to a field can be displayed by clicking on the Policy Link icon, if present Example of a Policy Link Incident Entry Form The Incident Entry form is divided up into distinct sub-headed sections. The sections and fields that you see on the Incident Entry form will be dependent on the template that has been assigned to you Most of the information is entered or selected directly on the Incident form and in some cases a pop-up classification selector page will display to allow you to select additional classifications that relate to the Incident Mandatory fields All fields that require information before the incident is saved will be displayed in Yellow If these fields are not completed, on saving the Incident, RiskMan will inform you that you have not entered data in a specific field and will not let you save the incident until the mandatory fields have been completed Read only Fields that are shaded Grey are read only fields. They are included on the Incident Entry form for read only purposes eg. Investigations (which are usually completed by your Line Manager) Tool Tips When you place your cursor over some fields eg. Incident Involved, a tool tip will display. This provides useful information to assist you with entering an incident Policy Links If you see a Policy icon next to a field it means there is some additional information that relates to that field, but is too big to appear as a tool tip. If you click on the icon the relevant documentation or intranet page will open in a separate window Fields shaded yellow are mandatory fields Example of a tool tip Fields shaded grey are read only fields
Incident Entry Incident Entry
As each Incident Entry form is different within each Organisation that uses RiskMan Just follow the Incident Form and fill in all the mandatory required fields and any other information that is pertinent Some fields will allow you to pick from a drop down or pop-up list and others will be free text fields Be objective and try not to lay blame when describing the incident Use generic terms for the people involved in the incident such as “The Client fell…”; “The nurse provided first aid…”; “The doctor was called..”
Incident Entry Incident Entry
All incidents will require basic information such as Who or what was involved in the incident or event? Who reported the incident or event? When did the incident or event occur? Where did the incident or event occur? Describe what happened and what you did immediately after the incident or event occurred How is it Classified? What is the severity or outcome of the incident or event? Were there any witnesses to this incident? In addition, you may have extra fields or sections that will display depending on the type of incident you are entering
Date Fields Date Fields
When entering information into a Date field you have 2 options Enter the date into the field. RiskMan will accept most formats eg , 6 Feb 2012, 6/2/2012, 6/2/12. When you tab out of the field the format will change to 6 Feb 2012; or Click on the arrow at the end of the field to display a date picker. Select the month and click on the appropriate date 2. Click on the arrow and select the date from the calendar 1. Either enter the date, or
Time Fields Time Fields When entering information into a Time field
The time will be based on the 24 hour clock. RiskMan will accept various formats eg. 1300, 13:00, 600, 0600, 6:00 When you tab out of the field the time will show the correct format eg. If you enter 1330 it will display as 13:30 Enter the time based on the 24 hour clock
Retrieve Patient/Client/Resident’s Details
Retrieve a Patient/Client/Resident’s Details If your RiskMan has been interfaced to your Client Master Database, you will be able to retrieve their details as well as view the history of incidents entered into RiskMan when entering a new Incident 1. Enter the patient/client/ resident’s UR Number 2. Press Fetch
Retrieve Client’s Details
Retrieve a Patient/Client/Resident’s Details 3. Check that the details of the person involved in the incident are correct 4. Press Accept A history of incidents that have been entered into RiskMan for this patient/client/resident will appear at the bottom of the client details Retrieve a Patient/Client/Resident’s Details When the Client Details Lookup window is displayed Check that the patient/client/resident’s details are correct If you have the correct details then press Accept. Their details will automatically be populated to the respective fields on the Incident Entry form In addition to the patient/client/resident’s details, a history of all the incidents that have been entered into RiskMan for this patient/client/resident will display with the most current incident appearing at the top of the list This list will assist you with Viewing any patterns in the type of incidents occurring for this patient/client/resident If a patient/client/resident has had multiple incidents, this may prompt you to do further investigation and look into why these incidents are occurring and perhaps prevent these incidents from occurring in the future Seeing if someone else, who may have witnessed the event, has already entered the incident into RiskMan. If so, then you would not need to proceed with entering another incident
Classifying your Incident
RiskCat is the Classification set that allows you to specify what type of incident has occurred Each incident will require you to select at least one classification that best describes the incident. Click on the Classification button to open RiskCat
Classifying your Incident
RiskCat RiskCat is grouped by 3 levels Supergroup (top level) Class (second level) Definition (third level) The concept is to select one or more classifications from the lowest level within a Supergroup that is relevant to the incident eg. Definition Press Save and Exit to save the selected classifications Classifying the Incident RiskCat is made up of classification grouped in 3 levels Supergroup: This is the top level classification. This level of classification can be selected as a filter in reports Class: This is the second level Classification. If there are no classifications under this level then you can select a Class that best describes the incident. Definition: This is the third level Classification. Definitions are viewed once you click on a Class. If a Class contains Definitions then you need to select one or more Definitions that best describes the incident. It is important that you only select the relevant classifications that best describe the incident. You can select more than one In most cases you will be selecting a Definition. DO NOT select a Class if there are Definitions under that Class as this will affect the reports that are generated at the end of each month
Contributing Factors Contributing Factors
For each incident it may be optional for you to nominate one or more contributing factors to explain why this incident occurred Click on the Contributing Factors button to view the list
Contributing Factors Contributing Factors
Contributing Factors are grouped into 2 levels Contributing Factors Group (top level) Contributing Factor (second level) The concept is to select one or more contributing factors that are relevant to the incident Press Save and Exit to save the selected classifications
Sub-forms Sub-forms Sub-forms are fields that allow you to add multiple entries relating to a particular topic Each sub-form will have a set of fields that will need to be completed and saved (this will depend on the setup on your RiskMan Incident Entry form) In this example to add an entry into a sub-form press the respective button
Sub-forms Example: Sub-forms
1. If the field asks you to nominate a user click on the icon to display a filter page 2. Enter the user's first or last name in the Filter field. The list will reduce to show all users matching that criteria. Click on the user to select it 3. Fill in the appropriate fields and press Save to save your entered details
Sub-forms Example: Sub-forms
If you wish to add another entry for a sub-form field press the respective button to open a new blank sub-form and repeat the steps as described on the previous slide If you wish to edit the details from a sub-form entry press the Edit button In the pop-up sub-form make any necessary changes and press Save
Journals Journals The Journal section on the Incident Entry form allows you to Document additional information relating to the incident eg. Progress or File Notes Respond to a task that has been allocated to you Journals A Journal is An on-going diary of date/time stamped events to document updates on the progression of the incident or any additional comments a user feels are relevant to that incident In some cases you may be allocated a task based on the incident you entered. This task may be in the form of a Journal. You may be notified by when you are allocated a task and once you have completed the task you will have the option to mark the task as actioned Each Journal Is date and time stamped and displays the user who created or last edited the Journal Attaches itself to every version of the incident. This means that if a user has permission to Edit a Journal, there is no history of that journal – the edited version is the only version Delete a Journal, the journal is removed from the Incident altogether and cannot be restored
Journals Add a Journal 1. To add a Journal item, press the Add New Journal Entry button 3. Enter a description of the Journal 2. Select a Journal Type Note: In most cases staff may only use Journals to action a task that that has been assigned to and add a new Journal to respond to an allocated task 4. Press Add Entry
Journals Edit a Journal prior to saving the Incident
1. To edit a Journal prior to saving the notification, press the Edit button Editing a Journal Journals that have just been added to an Incident and before the Incident is saved, can be edited Editing a Journal on an existing Incident is a user permission. When a Journal is edited there will be no history of the changes made to Journals Note: Once you have submitted a new incident you may not have permission to edit or delete the journal. If you need to edit or delete the Journal speak to your manager. 2. Make the necessary changes 3. Press Update Entry
Journals Delete a Journal prior to saving the Incident
To delete a Journal before you save the notification Press the Delete button Delete Journals Journals that have just been added to an Incident and before the Incident is saved can be deleted However, if you are reviewing your Incident, deleting a Journal that you have entered or has been entered by someone else will be a user permission The deleted Journal will be Marked for Deletion If you do not wish to proceed with the deletion press the Edit button and in the opened Journal press the Update Entry button. The Marked for Deletion message will disappear
Save an Incident Save an Incident
Prior to saving an incident, check that the manager you report to has been selected under the Current Managers list If you do not have a selected manager or the manager you report to has changed Press the Change the people you report to button Prior to Saving an Incident Before you save a new incident, check that the manager or managers you report to is showing above the Submit button If the selected manager is no longer your manager, or you work in multiple areas and today you have a different manager, you can change the manager you report to before saving the incident
Change Manager Change the manager you report to
3. Highlight the manager you report to from the list 4. Press Assign 5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 if you report to more than one manager 6. The Assigned Manager/s will appear in this list 2. Press Remove Change the Manager you Report to To remove an assigned manager Highlight the manager you no longer report to in the People you report to column Press Remove Repeat above steps if required To assign a new manager Highlight the manager in the ALL RISKMAN.NET Users list Press Assign When Complete Press the Continue button The newly selected managers will display above the Submit button 1. To remove the existing manager you report to Highlight the Manager in the Assigned Manager/s list 7. To return to the Incident Entry page Press Continue
Save an Incident Save an Incident To save your entered incident
Press the Submit button If there are any mandatory fields that have not been filled in, a red flashing box will display around the first field found that has not been filled in Enter the appropriate data and press Submit again Repeat above steps if there are more mandatory fields to be filled in
Save an Incident Confirmation Page
Click here to print a copy of the Incident Click here to create a grouped incident - an event involving more than one person Confirmation Page Once an incident is saved you will be directed to the Confirmation page and all automatic notifications will be triggered ie. those to the Line Manager/s of the person entering the incident; the RiskMan Administrator and anyone else who needs to be notified of this notification. The Confirmation Page includes the following functions: Print Preview Allows you to print a copy of the incident that has just been saved. The information that will appear on this report will only show the fields and data that you have permission to view as specified in your user profile Click here to create a related Grouped Incident Allows you to create another incident (with information from the incident that you just entered) if the event involves more than one person Click here to create a new Incident Allows you to enter a new incident Review the Incident Allows you to open the incident that you have just saved – handy if you have forgotten to enter information into the incident without having to locate it in your Entered Incidents page Return to Entered Incidents Takes you to your “Entered Incident” page which is the page that allows you to view/modify all the incidents that you have permission to view eg. you entered, distributed to you, alerted to you. If you do not wish to do any of these functions, you can use the menu options or Home Page to navigate to another area of RiskMan or logout Click here if you wish to create a new incident Click here if you wish to review the incident you just saved Click here to go to your Entered Incidents Listing page
Grouped Incidents
Grouped Incidents What is meant by a grouped Incident?
A grouped incident is one which involves more than one person or non-individual, eg. a client is aggressive towards a staff member How do you create a Grouped Incident? A grouped incident can be created After the initial incident is entered into RiskMan From your incident listing page/s eg. “Entered Incidents” What is meant by a Grouped Incident? A grouped incident is an event which involves more than one person or non-individual (eg. hazard) eg. a Client is aggressive towards a Staff member; a gastroenteritis outbreak where there is more than one patient/resident who has contracted gastro. Each incident in a group will have their own Incident ID, but they will also have a group ID to identify that the incident is part of a group Reporting on Grouped Incidents When it comes to reporting, grouped incidents can be counted As one event (eg. if you wish to see how many events occurred in a particular location); or As separate incidents (eg. if you are looking at incidents that have involved Staff or incidents that have involved Patient/Resident/Clients separately)
Grouped Incidents Create a Grouped Incident
After entering the first incident in the group, on the Confirmation page Click on the Click here to create a related ‘Grouped Incident’ button A copy of the Incident last entered will display Note: Nominated fields can be cleared when you do a grouping. Your RiskMan Administrator can contact RiskMan support – to nominate which fields are cleared. There will be some parts of the Incident Entry form that cannot be cleared eg. Journals, fields from a sub-form. These will need to be deleted if they are not required Click here to create a grouped incident
Grouped Incidents What happens when you group an incident?
Most of the information from the initial incident is retained except for the details on who was involved in the Incident Make any other changes to the incident as required Submit the incident Areas to modify in a Grouped Incident When you are adding an incident to a grouped incident, most of the information from the initial incident will be retained. In the subsequent incidents you may need to make changes in the following areas Who was involved The outcome/severity of the incident - The outcome or severity is not always the same for each party involved in the event How the incident was classified. There may be a common set of classifications, but if the incident involves a staff member then there maybe additional staff related classifications that need to be selected If the incident is a staff incident then a separate Staff incident section may display that may require your to complete
Grouped Incidents Create a Grouped Incident from your Entered Incidents page If you wish to group an incident from your Entered Incidents page ie. you were unable to create a group incident at the time you initially entered the first incident Select My Workspace -> Review Existing -> Incidents from your menu 1. Check the incident you wish to group from 2. Press the Make Grouped button A copy of the Incident notification will be displayed Create a Grouped Incident from the Entered Incident page If an incident does involved more than one person, in some cases you may only have time to enter the main incident and you may want to come back and create the grouped incident at a later time. This can be done from your “Entered Incidents” page which provides you with a list of incidents that you have entered
Auto Save
Auto Save Auto Save RiskMan has an auto-save function which means that if you are unable to complete a NEW incident notification because You accidently press the Back button on your Internet Explorer (IE) You accidently close IE (or a fault occurs and IE is forced to close) You are called away and you are unable to complete the incident so you log off RiskMan the partial information that you entered will be retrieved next time you open a new Incident notification Note: The Auto-Save function will ONLY work with NEW incidents, feedback, quality activities etc and will not work if you open an existing item
Auto Save Auto Save Open a new incident Press the Log Out menu option
Enter some details into the incident Press the Log Out menu option Press OK to the warning pop-up message Logon to RiskMan and the “AutoSave found” page will open (if you are initially directed to the Incident Entry form) 1. To return to the incident that you were just entering press Reopen and the incident will open Auto-Save If you enter a NEW incident and you have partially entered information but were unable to save the notification, you can REOPEN the incident and most of the information that you previously entered will still be there Note: There are some instances where the information will not be there Here are some examples when the information will not be retained If you are using a Client Master database Interface to retrieve Patient/resident/Clients information you will need to press the Fetch button again to retrieve this information If you selected a classification from RiskCat you will need to re-classify the incident If you selected a contributing factor you will need to re-selected it again 2. If you don’t want the incident press Discard and a new blank incident form will open
Review Incidents
Review Incidents Review Incidents that you have entered
If you would like to view the incidents that you have entered into RiskMan to Add additional comments Action a task that has been allocated to you Review any changes that your manager may have made to the incident This can be done by opening up your Entered Incidents page From the menu select My Workspace -> Review My -> Incidents Entered Incidents Your Entered Incidents page shows a list of incidents that You have entered or Have been granted permission to see eg. A task has been allocated to you through the Journals from an incident that you may not have entered
Review Incidents Review Incidents that you have entered
1. Click on the ID of the incident that you wish to review Entered Incidents list Your entered incidents list will display the incidents you have permission to view from most current to the oldest To access an incident from this list Click on the ID of the incident The incident will open on an ‘Incident Review’ page Other notes on the Entered Incidents page The flags next to each incident represent your viewing status of an incident Green Flag = You have not viewed the incident (not one that you entered but you may have been granted permission to it) Red Flag = Someone eg. Your manager has made a change to the incident since you last viewed it. Perhaps you manager has entered his/her investigations Clear Flag = You have viewed/entered the incident and there have been no changes since you last viewed/entered it By clicking on the flag you will be able to view the Review History of that incident – showing you who has viewed, been notified or edited it
Review Incidents Review Incidents that you have entered
Review the incident A list of people in your organisation who have been notified, viewed or modified the incident will appear at the bottom of the incident If you make any changes press the Submit button at the bottom of the Entry form If you do not make any changes you can navigate from this page by either pressing the Log Out menu option or by selecting another menu option Reviewing Incidents Review History If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see a Review History which shows you all the people who have viewed, modified or been notified of the incident Modifying the incident If you wish to modify the incident eg. Enter additional notes in the Journals; add to or modify your description; change the severity/outcome of the incident; make sure you press Submit at the bottom of the incident to save your changes A new version of the incident will be created. This means that the original version will remain intact and can be viewed (but not altered) at any time from the Incident Review page by clicking on the left arrows in the Control panel at the top of the page
Review an allocated Journal
Allocated Journals To view a list of Journal actions that have been allocated to you From the menu select My Workspace -> Reminders & Alerts 1. Click on the Allocated Journal Actions tab 2. A list of journals allocated to you that you have not yet actioned will be listed Allocated Journals If you have been allocated a task from a Journal you will be sent an notification with details of the task and a link to the Incident The Journal details will also be available from your Reminders page 3. To view the incident containing the allocated Journal click on the Created date link
Action an Allocated Journal
Action a Journal 1. Click on the expand icon to view the details of the Action To action a Journal 2. Click on the Action button 2. Press Yes to action the Journal
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