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Communists Triumph in China

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1 Communists Triumph in China

2 Civil War Mao Zedong was the Chinese communist leader. They taught literacy and improved food production which won over Chinese people. Jiang Jieshi controlled the nationalist forces. The US supported the nationalist forces in China.

3 Two Chinas China was split into to nations: Taiwan (Nationalist China) and People’s Republic of China (mainland) Communist China kept its power and control by using military force to invade neighboring countries.

4 Revolution As part of the economic reform Mao seized all farmland and redistributed it to peasants. Private companies were brought under government ownership and control. Communes were large, collective farms.

5 Revolution Mao was upset with the economy after he stepped down because he believed it weakened the Communist goal of social equality. The goal of the Cultural Revolution was to establish a society of peasants and workers in which all were equal.

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